Hi M, No -not bothered at all. Just very interested in your  info.. Never 
knew they took the "Pre toes" off for showing--etc.{ only did one  show & 
that was at a local get to gather...}  I only had one  /pony--then horse at a 
time. Got a Quarter horse for my daughter.{ she inherited  the " horse crazy" 
 from me.}  Easy to take special care of only  one at a time--- Dad always 
said, " If you care about them--take care of  them." & boy did I care--  
      Hi Lois.  Oh I'm sorry -- there  goes that written word thing again 
-- I did not mean to imply that your horse  wasn't well-groomed!  When you 
said "old farmer", I assumed that his farm  horses were probably cared for 
like most work animals -- health issues taken  care of, *beauty* things not so 
much.  Keeping the chestnuts clean is very  often something that only 
show-horse owners worry about.  I was  also trying to explain why a 
non-horse-person may have never noticed the  chestnuts on a horse.  I hope I 
didn't offend 
you.  It sounds to me  that Lady was better cared-for than my own horses 

P.S.  Lois -- can I ask where you live?  I've never heard the  term *cork*  
 I live 1 hour south East of Buffalo NY & 1 hr  South West of Rochester NY. 
within walking distance of "The Grand Canyon of  the East" Letchworth State 
Park.  { Castile NY  }      When You mentioned the Indians calming horses  
with the "Pre Toe" scent. It made me wonder if I may be a reincarnated  
horse :-)  maybe that's why it calmed my boils...   grin ,chuckle,  LOL  Lois