In defense of vendors *and* the do-it-yourself crowd...

Guess what!!! We need and want *both* kinds in this world.

How many folks don't have the time, energy or confidence to even try 
to make their own... anything!!?? Folks that come here sick and foggy 
and just need something simple ... fast. For them we have vendors who 
sell ready made CS and CS generators.

For the unscrupulous vendors, we have... competition!!!  And
resources like this list to help the consumer make an informed
choice. How long will those folks *keep* buying dollars-per-ounce CS
when they know they can get a better deal elsewhere or at home?

And for the rest? 

Yes indeed, you can make a simple CS generator for 20 or 30 bucks.
*AND* if your time is worth *anything*, the effort to shop around and
gather up those parts will make up some of the difference between the
*fairly* priced low end units and your home-brew rig. But, yes,
you'll still come out ahead.

Want bells and whistles? Shop around for the best price, sure. But
you can be darned sure you'll spend just about as much money, time,
and energy as the guy who developed them if you try to build 'em for

Thankfully, our CS is darn cheap to make at home. And that's the
reward for ingenuity and cleverness and having the courage to do
things for yourself!

But thank goodness there are scrupulous folks who sell ready made CS 
at reasonable prices. 

Yes, you can make it and give it away for free, but you're limited
to the folks you know and the rate you can produce it. And you're
*just* as vulnerable to legal action if somebody *thinks* what you
gave them caused them injury. Only you haven't bought the
liability insurance!

Please, don't say that all the folks on this list who *don't* make 
their own CS are stupid, okay? Who haven't built their own 
generator but bought one instead?

If folks shouldn't be "allowed" to profit from CS, then think about
the folks who expect the company who gives you your paycheck to give
its product away for free, "because it will *help* people!!" See how
long you stay employed.

Be fair, folks. I don't know of too many vendors on *this* list who 
charge unconscionable rates for their products. But even if there 
are, they're not gonna get away with it forever. That's the nature of 
the free market -- when it's allowed to work.

The FDA *is* cracking down. Some of what it's trying to stop is the
same bull....manure we try to steer folks away from here. As with all
*government* designed solutions, there will be collateral damage to
the legitimate vendors *and* to the consumers.

When it's all sorted out, either *everybody* will be out of business 
and the whole industry driven underground, or they'll be back, more 
careful, working within whatever wiggle room the gov't left them.

Whether this is a good thing, or whether it could have been handled 
better, or if it should have been handled at all, it doesn't change 
the fact that we're still making progress in this industry and on 
this list, in *part* because of the diverse interests of the people 

Kiss and make up, folks. We're supposed to be on the same team!

Mike D.
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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