That is an area that could be wide open to quite some discussion, and possibly 
argument Jane, but not from me <g>.
In my mind it depends on how an individual interprets or defines that word 
'colloid', and what that individual believes constitutes a 'colloid'.  The term 
'colloid', and the size of 'a' colloid is interpreted or means different things 
to different people.
How big does a so called 'colloid' have to be to cause an issue?  I don't 
personally believe anyone knows, unless of course it's the size of a house 
brick.  From all literature I've found it comes down to someone just copying 
and pasting from prior opinions or published material found in the public 
domain, not unlike the misleading info one can find anywhere regarding EIS/CS. 
That isn't anywhere near close to being good enough for me to base a logical, 
intelligent, rational discussion or argument on.  Again, as with so many other 
things related to EIS/CS, it comes down to an individual being forced to decide 
for themselves, and/or what they choose to believe, based on a WIDE variety of 
literature available to that individual.
I agree with you, and in a word, No, I don't believe LVDC predominantly ionic 
silver solutions *will* cause any issue, and never have believed it.  One only 
has to read appropriate literature to form an opinion on that.  Everyone simply 
points the finger at silver ALONE when there could be a multitude of other 
things involved.  If an individual has/had an issue, then that individual 
should look at what they are/were doing, not just imply something COULD occur 
generalising with only their own experience to back it up.
I've had no issues in all the years I've been using and consuming this stuff, 
so the logical conclusion for me would be to say, "I guess I must be one who 
knows what I'm doing to prevent anything occurring".  What else could/should I 
say when I hear about others having issues and I never have? <g>.  After all, 
I'm one of the *vast* majority who haven't had any issue/s, that surely means 
as much to anyone as individual issues means to anyone else?
In the interest of keeping the peace:  For anyone else who may be reading this 
and who may have, or had, issues with coloration to any part of their person, I 
am not having a go, just stating my opinion and what I have decided or 'chosen' 
to believe.

Subject: Re: CS>introduction and request for help
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 15:20:30 +1100

Surely it isn't the CS that 
causes the blueness it's when silver particles are over a certain size isn't it 
& then no longer considered "colloidal"?

  ----- Original Message ----- 

  Oops, I'd better stick my hand up here and add to that in case 
  taking Selenium is considered critical and/or a prerequisite with silver 
  intake...I don't, and never have, taken Selenium in conjunction with silver, 
  and my fingernails haven't fallen off yet, neither have I, my fingernail 
  moons, or my eyeballs turned any colour of the rainbow.

  Not having a go or anything you understand, just thought I should add 
  that little correction cos not 'all' of us here take Selenium.  I'll 
  spare everyone though and refrain from airing my opinion on Selenium being 
  co-joined with silver intake <g>.
