In my opinion it would need to be stated from the outset what method was used 
to introduce that silver into solution.  I doubt it was LVDC.  I'm not a 
subscriber to any medical or research journal but I haven't found any 
information which relates to the method we produce our product in any published 
article I've found in the public domain.  All information I have read omits to 
state method of production, which raises the obvious question...why don't they 
state production method used?  Could it be a deliberate ploy to encourage guilt 
by association?  The mention of silver brings forth the garlic and cross to 
stave off some undesirable outcome?
Did the article state ion/particle ratio?  Did it state if the product in 
question was in fact produced using LVDC?  Did the article state amount 
administered for the size of the animal?  If it was produced using LVDC {which 
I seriously doubt} did it state at what time frame the solution was introduced 
to the animal *after* cessation of production?  Did the article state that 
silver and Distilled Water ONLY was involved, with NOTHING else added to that 
solution or encapsulated those particles in any way for those particles to 
remain in suspension thus preventing those particles from being pulled out of 
suspension by gravity?
Too many questions, too few answers for me personally, besides, I'm not an 
Maybe I need my memory refreshed, but what was the purpose of the exercise?  
Was it to show silver particles are hazardous to the family jewels? If so then 
LVDC products have a higher ion content than particulate content, which means 
the whole exercise has no relevance to LVDC solutions as far as I'm concerned.

You'd do better to confer with those more savvy than myself <g>.

> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 11:52:29 +0100
> Subject: Re: CS>"Are Silver Nanoparticles Harmful" (Science Daily article)
> From:
> To:
> Yes I know, but would the fact that the metall silver particles were
> used in the study make any difference? If metall silver particles is
> dangerous, then would not presumly LVDC be dangerous in relevantly
> similar  amount?
> /André
> 2012/3/16 Neville Munn <>:
> > No, not quite right, they are *predominantly* ionic silver solutions.
> >  Simply put it means over time some of those ions will stick to each other
> > forming atomic ion clusters, which are commonly referred to as 'particles'.
> >  Hence you end up with a ions *and* particles in that solution.  The ion
> > content will exceed the particle content by ratio in LVDC produced
> > solutions.
> >
> > N.
> >
> >> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 08:34:50 +0100
> >> Subject: Re: CS>"Are Silver Nanoparticles Harmful" (Science Daily article)
> >> From:
> >> To:
> >
> >>
> >> But most brews are simply ionic silver solutions, you make it via
> >> electrolysis i distilled water.
> >>
> >> 2012/3/16 David AuBuchon <>:
> >> > The particles that appear in our home brews some here would say are not
> >> > metallic silver but are clumps of silver compounds like AgOH.  They just
> >> > are
> >> > not the same thing.
> >> >
> >> > David
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > 2012/3/16 André Juthe <>
> >> >>
> >> >> What is LVDC particles? The article talk about silver nano particles,
> >> >> are those metallic silver?
> >> >>
> >> >> /André
> >> >>
> >> >> 2012/3/16 David AuBuchon <>:
> >> >> > Seeing as how LVDC particles arent metallic silver anyway, this does
> >> >> > seem
> >> >> > not apply.  But perhaps there is relevance to other types of silver
> >> >> > products?
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Jim Holmes <>
> >> >> > wrote:
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> No mention of concentration; in vivio with weird cells to start.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> From that info, I deduce that you should remove your scotum and soak
> >> >> >> your
> >> >> >> cancerous testicles in large-particle Ag sols of unknown
> >> >> >> concentration.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 5:28 PM, David AuBuchon
> >> >> >> <>
> >> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> Someone needs to get the full text and see what concentrations of
> >> >> >>> nanoparticles they are talking about.
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> David
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>> --
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> >> >> >>> Silver.
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> >> >> >>> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> >> >> >>> List Owner: Mike Devour <>
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >
> >>