
This information is brought to you by courtesy of the Silver Education
Coalition, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

Disease organisms can become resistant to regular antibiotics, triggering
dangerous super-infections. Conventional antibiotics are industrially
developed from toxins manufactured by other bacteria for their own
defenses- penicillin being a prime example. Disease organisms in the body
respond to this cultivated toxin of the conventional antibiotic at about
the same rate as they do to the original organism. This is a long enough
time that a mutation can, and often occur which will make the organism
immune to the particular antibiotic.

Colloidal Silver is claimed to work relatively fast - mostly within six
minutes or less, upon contact within the body- that these disease causing
pathogens have no time to mutate into a resistant strain as such a mutation
requires far longer than the time silver needs to kill the pathogen. In
fact to date no pathogen or strain thereof, has ever been known to mutate
and develop resistance to silver in several thousand years of the use of
this remarkable substance. To sum up no one celled organism or plant will
ever be able to develop immunity to silver.


Body tissues having 5 parts per million (5 ppm) of Colloidal Silver will be
free of virus, fungus and bacterium. Silver particles are long lived in the
body because they do not enter into a reaction, but act catalytically. A
catalyst is a best described as a substance that brings about, or causes a
reaction or occurrence without itself participating or being consumed. The
Colloidal Silver acts as a catalyst in disabling a particular enzyme, best
described as chemical lung , as it transfers oxygen and nutrients through
the cell walls of the disease causing organism. The organism suffocates !
The mere proximity of silver will cripple the activity of the particular
enzyme common to all viruses, funguses and bacteria.- whilst not affecting
the enzymes of tissue type cells."

On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Melly Bag <> wrote:

>   Thanks again Scott and Neville.
> I have a question, will taking one ounce of CS a day not make me immune to
> it?  I dread the day i will need it and not be  helped coz i am immune to
> it.  I used CS only as needed.  I intend to take it everyday now.
> Thanks.
> Melly