I must agreed with many  of your  points, but ill asure you i rarely take info 
from sale pitch as hard evidence.  most company that advertise their so called  
TEM pictures can only refered to silver particles not iones.. iones in the 
absent of water  oxidises , there for  will not show their true form in a 
picture. diferent aproche need to be taken.
can surely apreciated a well founded difference of point of view as yours, 
indeed the body internal fluids are both colloidal and ionic, iones+ can surely 
attach to other mineral traces and form new sustances such as chlorine, coper 
iones, and many more,  i have read many or most of the so call comercially 
available forms of silver,   silver salts, proteins, nitrates, sulfadine, and 
all the silver colliids ,wether ionic, hidrosol,
As you finely put it all  work... but  only differ from the time need it to  
take action and incapacited the pathogens... as you  also  put it in vitro in 
vivo studies are just being  done  or better yet   are being made public.
here in mexico our governet doesnt  put  such a hard resistence or bann on 
silver products or homepatic remedies, as the actutude of most 1st world 
country as  usa, europe or britain. many  many  essays, reseach,experiments are 
being done not only in mexico but other places that confirme the efectiveness 
of silver ions. i  dont just read  what google,ask,ping, yahoo results   comes 
up with, i  used COPERNINC AGENT PROFESIONAL, is a specific  topic and INTEREST 
WWW SEARCH ENGINE , you can set it to only  show results from universitites,  
health institues, goverment and more .any how this tool was  very help full in 
finding  information that sopports and clarifies what you may readily find on 
google or such places fill with their agenda and misinformation.
like you said  silver hidrosol is still a silver collid, TRUE but not quiet the 
same. is like saying  purified water is  as good as  spring water, not quiet 
the same but related.
i`m my own best guiny pig, forgive my english migh be a bit rusty, i must have 
done extensive reasearch for over 5 months and still reading before taking  CS, 
i just did not agreed with all the misinformation on the more comercial web 
sites regarding silver solution.
as you surely know, is the surface area covered , zeta potential of silver 
solutions, iones+, that can more rapidily work and  be excreded from the body, 
again this is  COLLIDAL CHEMISTRY literature from many parts, although i think 
that since  silver ions combine in the body and most of it is consume and 
axcreded out, that the remaining silverparticles thant cannot eassyly be 
excreded out can provide a remnant shield protection on the cells thay attach 
to. again only speculation from some light reading.
i have a family member that works in a university nearby , he has agreed to 
conduc test on  silver colloid, ionic silver, hidrosol silver, since i just 
dont fully believe the results of such  in vivo, in vitro  experiments 
comercially available on the  web, i can fully trust this family member to be 
objective at least in the spirit of true sciencie
ill happily share his findings on the groups. thank you the  thought 
stimulation..   namaste.