There is nothing to worry about, providing you use Distilled Water.
There are plans in the public domain for battery operated units, primitive some 
may say, but they do work and produce the same stuff.
My very first unit was such a unit, only I soldered my electrodes to what they 
call a 'bread board' and put everything inside one of those plastic electronics 
hobby boxes to make it look half decent.  Simplicity in itself really.  You can 
just leave the batteries on the table if you want, if you make the wiring long 
enough to reach a glass.
Make one using 3 x 9 volt batteries in series to give 27 volts and solder a 
silver rod/wire on the end of each of the remaining positive and negative 
wires, then simply punch two holes in a piece of cardboard 1 1/2" apart to poke 
the rods {electrodes} through and sit it on top of a glass with rods submerged 
into the water and you're away producing your own, oh, and try to keep the 
electrodes parallel to each other.
Honestly, it's THAT simple, don't worry.  This will do until you decide on 
purchasing, or making, a current controlled/limited unit.  Just ensure you 
remove those electrodes at regular timed intervals to wipe them clean.  One to 
one and a half hours and you're good to go with EIS/CS.  From memory you should 
end up with around 10-15ppm on a TDS meter, perhaps even higher depending on 
water temperature.
We've probly all had similar fears when we first started, but then we have 
learnt a lot more over the years and are now totally relaxed about it because 
we understand it much more betterer <g>.  I'm probly the least 'scientific' 
person here, but damn I make a product equal to anything else <g>.

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 06:03:43 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>Treating Lyme Disease with Collodial Silver

Danny -- most of us have/had no science background when we began making our own 
CS.  And for the very same reason -- we couldn't afford to buy it.  Thankfully, 
there are companies who have made the units so simple, that it's a no-fail 
proposition and comes down to "can you place an electric plug into an outlet?"  
The units take care of everything else.  We were all nervous when we began, but 
quickly realized that there is nothing to fear.

From: Danny Matthews <>
Sent: Mon, April 30, 2012 7:38:05 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Treating Lyme Disease with Collodial Silver


Many thanks for the replies so far - very helpful!

I previously mentioned buying MesoSilver but have since looked at the pricing 
and just can't afford it. Would anyone know where I can purchase high quality 
CS in the UK? CS from other countries would also be fine provided the shipping 
costs aren't exorbitantly expensive :).

I realised that it'd be much cheaper to make my own but I have no science 
background whatsoever and the idea worries me...

Many Thanks,
