Steve, I just re-read the original post that started this rather
unproductive debate (unproductive in the sense that we didn't learn anything
new about CS, productive though in that we learned a little bit about each
other)and realized that I jumped to my own conclusions and jumped to them to
fast.  I agree with you that there are some outlandish prices out there, and
charging that much is way wrong.  I want to apologize as well, to you, and
to the listers.

I too give a lot of CS away for free, to friends and family and even
customers that can't afford to buy a generator just yet.  But people should
realize, manufactureres are providing a service to others, and should be
paid for that service.  In home schooling my child, I have the choice to
make up my own math worksheets, or to go out and buy some that are premade.
In order to save time and energy, I choose to buy them premade. and I pay
for that service.  As in earlier posts that I saw, that is the design of the
"free market" and is the way it should be (in my opinion).

Anyhows, it's off to work I go (yes, work, I run an in home childcare for a
living, like selling generators and CS pays all the bills! HA!), so I'll
type atcha all later.

Yours in health,
James Allison

Allisons Apothecary
Home of the $49.95 Colloidal Silver Generator

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve geigle <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 1999 6:32 AM
Subject: CS>Apology

> James helped me realize I might have given a false impression I think ALL
> sellers of CS are "evil,"  and that I didn't care if they went out of
> business.   I want to apologize if I offended those who are selling CS at
> fair price.  I visited Jame's website and was impressed.  He sells CS and
> genertors at a very fair prices.  He's not hiding the fact that you can
> your own at greatly reduced costs.  My bone of contention is just with
> who hide this fact.  I gave James an example of a person who tried to sell
> 12 24-ounce bottles of CS for $900 to an mention about
> making your own....very deceptive....outrageous that's not
> appropriate.
> Thanks James!
> My story:  Used to have chronic sinusitis....antibiotics was the
>'s gone!  Been 18 months now!  I use the nasal
> spray method...once a day up the ol' nose...keeps those bugs at bay!
> Regards,
> Steven J. Geigle
> Email:
> --
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