I want to make it absolutely clear that I am not having a go or anything, 
but....I feel fine, and I wonder how others would feel fine if they never read 
anything about solar flares?
My comment would be...Perhaps the imagination gets a little carried away with 
looking for answers to a question that doesn't exist?  It must get tiresome 
constantly looking for something to blame for every little emotion or ailment 
we experience.  Life is life, be in it.  Accept that and people may feel a 
whole lot better in and about themselves, instead of looking to point the 
finger at the slightest excuse why they feel the way they do.  Positive 
thinking would help.
Again, not having a go, but it seems to me that people spend too much time 
thinking about themselves and searching for things to blame for every little 
thing they feel rather than just getting on with life.  It's almost like they 
WANT to feel crook in some way for there to be meaning to life.
When the going gets tuff, the tuff get going!  Don't worry, be happy.
OK, lay it on me, at least that will take your mind off things for a while <g>.

Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2012 11:21:19 -0700
From: devorah...@yahoo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Solar Flares and how they affect the body

Can anyone comment on how they have been feeling during the past couple of 
days? I notice when the planet gets hit with these flares I experience "extreme 
fatigue" and body aches.
Would magnet placement help?