no not lately...
my black rope that it comes with broke
i think i have to get a new one
otherwise it will be too short...
but thanks for talking about this...
i was thinking it was just me....
it prompted me to get a new rope
and put it back on to see if it will do anything...
they are expensive if you don't already have one
i find them a benefit
i muscle test a benefit too
but you have to weigh the price against it too
because to me now that i'm stronger, i don't notice anything huge

curious since it is magnetic in nature if that's what caused
my cpa boss's 2 mini strokes last week
he also felt like he was having heart attack
(got it checked out and turned up nothing)

also just to mention, when 'they' do their scalar waves (haarp program)
i get an emotional reaction...
the bach flower helps with this
do you get emotions with it too?
emotions are usually detox stuff for sure

or just flu-like stuff?

if it's flu-like stuff i'd probably opt for the standard process congaplex
that's my cure-all for when i don't feel well
(when it's strep it's 12 a day, mostly everything else is 6 a day)
if you haven't tried that yet it can be a real life saver

Maple Springs Farm 
Farm Store - Maple Syrup, Custom Embroidery, Etched Glass, Shoo-fly pie, Funny 
Cake Pie, Emu Oil, Dog Art Prints, Handmade Soap and More... 
On-Line Cookbook

---------- Original Message -----------
From: Deborah Gerard <> 
To: "" <> 
Sent: Sun, 15 Jul 2012 18:32:00 -0700 (PDT) 
Subject: Re: CS>Solar Flares and how they affect the body

> Thank-you for your kind word's and suggestion. I appreciate it greatly! Have 
> you used the q-link lately?
> thanks tons
> Deb
> From: Maple Springs Farm <>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2012 9:28 PM
> Subject: RE: CS>Solar Flares and how they affect the body
> I've been tired lately too. 
> My Doc has been telling me i'm getting rid of (detoxing) a lot of stuff... 
> When i detox i do get tired... 
> i'm curious if the extra detox has to do with the solar flares... 
> if it is a yes, then i would imagine if you ramped up your detox stuff 
> like lemon water, apple juice, orange juice, stay gluten free, 
> ultraclear, smoothies, whatever your detox method of choice is 
> that should support your body while it is getting rid of the extra "stuff" 
> also, since it is magnetic in nature, i'm curious if a q-link would help? 
> i've used that with success from time to time 
> Maple Springs Farm 
> Farm Store - Maple Syrup, Custom Embroidery, Etched Glass, Shoo-fly pie, 
> Funny 
> Cake Pie, Emu Oil, Dog Art Prints, Handmade Soap and More... 
> On-Line Cookbook 
> ---------- Original Message----------- 
> From: Neville Munn <> 
> To: <> 
> Sent: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:37:18 +1030 
> Subject: RE: CS>Solar Flares and how they affect the body 
> > I want to make it absolutely clear that I am not having a go or anything, 
> > but....I feel fine, and I wonder how others would feel fine if they never 
> > read anything about solar flares? 
> > 
> > My comment would be...Perhaps the imagination gets a little carried away 
> > with looking for answers to a question that doesn't exist?  It must get 
> > tiresome constantly looking for something to blame for every little emotion 
> > or ailment we experience.  Life is life, be in it.  Accept that and people 
> > may feel a whole lot better in and about themselves, instead of looking to 
> > point the finger at the slightest excuse why they feel the way they do.  
> > Positive thinking would help. 
> > 
> > Again, not having a go,but it seems to me that people spend too much time 
> > thinking about themselves and searching for things to blame for every 
> > little thing they feel rather than just getting on with life.  It's almost 
> > like they WANT to feel crook in some way for there to be meaning to life. 
> > 
> > When the going gets tuff, the tuff get going!  Don't worry, be happy. 
> > 
> > OK, lay it on me, at least that will take your mind off things for a while 
> > <g>. 
> > 
> > N. 
> > 
> > 
> Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2012 11:21:19 -0700 
> > From: 
> > To: 
> > Subject: CS>Solar Flares and how they affect the body 
> > 
> > Can anyone comment on how they have been feeling during the past couple of 
> > days? I notice when the planet gets hit with these flares I experience 
> > "extreme fatigue" and body aches. 
> > Would magnet placement help? 
> >  
> > Debbie 
> ------- End of OriginalMessage ------- 
------- End of Original Message -------