Thanks Neville,
A nice simple approach suits my personality  to a tee.   I have as suggested 
earlier begun my  CS/EIS regimen internally already  and
will begin the modified  Brooks Mix tomorrow- my energy is done for today.  The 
scarring is pretty unsightly  or I wouldn't bother with this step.

I have also doubled + my intake of L-lysine and must report that it is making a 
difference already.  Still have to process the Vit C,  have several jars of  
dried  orange/lemon peels,  need to run them thru the vitamix  and then begin 
using,  will most likely  mix it with the KT  which is finally  finished.

Many thanks to all of you for your advice and support.

 From: Neville Munn <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Monday, 6 August 2012, 20:37
Subject: RE: CS>Shingles

I treated a family member for Shingles with just plain home made EIS/CS.

Made a glass in morning {using rain water to get 40+ silver content, takes 
about 3-4 minutes} and administered that during morning hours, then made 
another glass in afternoon and administered that until bedtime.  Taken 
sublingually swirling under tongue for a couple minutes before swallowing each 
mouthful.  Did this for several days, around 500-600ml a day, and I could count 
the blisters that actually broke the skin on the fingers of one hand, the rest 
faded away without breaking the skin.  He was over it in around a fortnight.  I 
believe by hitting it hard and fast with that high ionic silver solution fixed 
the issue internally, I never sprayed or rubbed any on.

Now, I suspect it may depend on how soon one starts the EIS/CS for such quick 
results, and he never experienced any Herx, and *THAT* I believe is because he 
was ingesting ionic solution rather than those 'supposedly?' colloidal 
solutions, it passes through the body really quick.  I didn't start this until 
the pain and rash were just beginning.  All he took other than EIS was pain 
killers to help with the pain for around a week.  EIS/CS  taken *IMMEDIATELY* 
after brewing maximises the intake of Ag+ ions, and even though I had a rain 
water batch lab tested, that 40+ silver content is mostly Ag+ ions - NOT 
particles, and that is what I believe works best {opinion based on results of 
above, and disbelief of marketers products blurbs}.  He has never had a 
recurrence, that was several years ago.

EIS beneficial?....Most assuredly YES going on my results of the above.  Would 
not hesitate to repeat the above should it ever become necessary.

Disclaimer, and personal opinion ONLY: If there was any Herx at all I would 
reduce the daily volume intake, but would continue with it because Herx is a 
sign of baddies being killed off, but the bodies elimination organs are 
becoming overloaded and cannot get rid of all that crap quick enough, hence one 
may feel decidedly crook for a while with 'baddie backup' until the body slowly 
expels that crap...Time frame - wouldn't have a clue?  I'd probly back off the 
EIS to around 30, maybe 50ml twice a day?

Now I mention Herx, I do recall when I first started my daily regimen of EIS 
intake one of our daughters said I looked quite yellow for a week or so.  I did 
in fact feel quite crook in myself though now I recall, but then I was taking 
250-300ml each morning when I first started, and that was with rain water not 
DW.  I reduced that to 30ml and got over it, and I've been on 30ml ever since, 
with Distilled Water of course.  And just to be clear, as far as I know I 
didn't then, and don't now, have any other health issues, that may make some 
difference too, don't know?


Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2012 04:23:46 +0100
Subject: CS>Shingles

I developed a whopping case of shingles in early January  and they still are 
creating a bit of a problem for me, tho not nearly as much as before.

it was my understanding that CS worked on bacteria  but not virii  so I didn't 
use my CS .  Now  Im being told that it could be beneficial.
Does anyone have experience  and if so  should I take it internally,  rub it on 
the lesions  or just how do I go about this?
