Hi Laurie,
I've treated a dog with inner ear infection with  EIS, fixed it overnight, and 
that was after months of vet pills, potions, and whatever else, not forgetting 
the money spent.
I don't believe EIS does anything for arthritis.  You didn't ask this I know, 
but thought I'd add that.  The same dog {our daughters} has arthritis and EIS 
does jack for it, but our daughter squirts some EIS down it's throat every 
couple weeks.
Don't worry about Shingles, if you are fairly healthy with good diet and aren't 
a worry wort there is no reason you should get Shingles as far as I'm 
concerned.  Only a handful of people statistically get Shingles anyway, but if 
you ever did get a bout, make fresh EIS each day and consume up to 500ml a day. 
 That's been my experience anyway.
Your connection with chicken pox and Shingles is correct, as has been 
adequately dealt with already by other members regarding chicken pox dormancy 
in the body.
FWIW, I ingest a small quantity of EIS every morning, been doing this for 
several years.

Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 07:33:15 -0700
From: lad0...@yahoo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>New to List in Pittsburgh, PA

Hi All,
I have bough colloidal silver on occasion   I am interested in learning about 
all the benefits of using it.  I hope to one day make my own but for now, can 
anyone recommend a good sourse to purchase it?  I do use it internal and 
external.  Actually, my dog uses it more than I do.  I would love to hear about 
results of using it on pets.  My dog is elderly (13) and has had arthritis 
since he was 2.  He's a big guy at 85 lbs.  He may be having some neurologic 
issues now and has lost muscle mass and gotten weaker in the back end.  I use a 
boatload of supplements on him and he is treated holistically except for a 
couple of minor pain relievers that I may need to bump up to something 
stronger/anti-inflammatory.  For me, I'm pretty healthy except for gaining 30 
lbs when I quit smoking last fall.  I can't seem to shake the weight.  I'm 46.  
I had chicken pox as a baby
 and keep thinking I need to do some research and prepare myself in case I get 
shingles.  I use a lot of therapeutic grade essential oils too.  I love them.  
I also use DE and calcium bentonite clay, some homeopathics.  Any help you can 
provide this newbie would be greatly appreciated.