It is the name of one of the remedies, probably called a nosode,
classical homeopaths would have made it from the actual cells, I guess.
Mine was made with frequency by the Interro program on my homeopath's
*Nosode is derived from NOSO (Gr.) that signifies the 'disease
products'. It may also be compared with NOXA (L.), which means 'noxious
or damage'. 'Nosodotherapy' means the therapeutic use of organic
reactional wastes or some Ãetiological factors which are the source of
the 'damage' to the disease. The term 'nosode' has no legal existence in
France & Germany and has been replaced by the term 'biotherapy'. Dr.
Pierre Schmidt explained nosodes as '/an isopathic remedy/'. According
to him, "If it is applied after having been tested on a healthy man, it
becomes a nosode". Actually, many of the nosodes do not possess this
Homeopath Renà Allendy defined nosodes: "/The nosode is characterized
by a pathological substance used as the medicine prepared in advance and
according to the homeopathic method of dilution/". Fortier Bernoville
characterized a nosode as "/Specificity and Immunity/".
/"Nosodes are some homeopathic preparations obtained from microbe
cultures, from viruses, pathological secretions and excretions"/
Nosodes are homeopathic remedies that are made from the specific
products of a particular disease. This can be tissue containing the
actual disease agents or tissue affected by those agents. Sometimes
nosodes are made from vaccines containing the organisms. The nosodes
are prepared in a diluted and potentized form just like all other
homeopathic medicine. A nosode is simply a homeopathic remedy that
is made from a disease product. Nosodes are not in any way infections,
and can be used in the same way as vaccines, that is, to prevent viral
infection. Like vaccines, nosodes sensitize the body to a particular
virus, so the immune system can react quickly and effectively to natural
exposure. Nosodes are at least as effective as vaccines, and in some
cases have been shown to be significantly more effective than vaccines
in preventing infection.
Here is a site where they are selling the remedy:
Herpes Zoster 30C for relief of symptoms from the virus herpes zoster.
This form of herpes is best known as shingles. Herpes Zoster can be used
as an adjunct to your health plan to clear vesicles. Herpes Zoster 30C
may be safely used whether nerve pain is from current shingles or
postherpetic neuralgia.
and here
(Herpes Zoster) 18X, 30X, 60X, 200X Frequency chart for
various ailments. 7)/Zoster/ (shingles): 574, 1557
*Varicella* (the herpes virus that causes chickenpox during childhood
and shingles [herpes zoster] in adulthood): 345, 668, 716, 738
On 14/08/2012 11:29 AM, phoenix23002 wrote:
Rowena... what is the "Herpes zoster remedy"? Lola H.
> On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 3:38 PM, Rowena <>
> wrote:
>> I had chickenpox as a girl.
>> 30 years later I had shingles in my eyebrow near the top of the
>> nose. I guessed what it was and took some homeopathic Rhus Tox
>> while I waited to get to my homeopath, who gave me Herpes zoster
>> remedy. It was all over in a week or two, which was great because
>> it can be nasty so near the eye. It recurred slightly once a year
>> for a few years, when a little soft scab would appear; if I
>> scratched it away it would bleed. Then it didn't happen any more.
>> All the best
>> Rowena
>> On 11/08/2012 2:45 AM, Joyce Miller wrote:
>> Even though many who have had chicken pox do not get shingles, that
>> is not because of having had chicken pox. I think of Shingles as
>> adult chicken pox, but those who get it, would not get it if they
>> had not had chicken pox