Thanks, Craig and all

i syringe Reilly's CS gently into his mouth as he rarely drinks water due to
the raw food moisture content and i doubt he'd drink straight CS anyway so i
am starting him today back on CS.

On another note, his vet yesterday doesn't think the tumor as of now is
present in a tumor stage (the injectable C shrunk it) and thinks it's now
just at a cellular level which is great news and the clindamycin abx he was
on resolved the bone infection so hopefully the CS will keep on top of
everything and i will continue with high dose lypo C and all the other
cancer protocols


On another note, figuring out how to REPLY to silver list is extremely annoying to say the least. i'm on digest version and every subject comes in an attachment and when i hit reply it sends it to the person who replied instead of the silver group. When i go to the silver website and read the threads, there is NO WHERE to reply, NO reply button. Talk about aggravating and i'm not a stupid person, LOL

----- Original Message ----- From: "Craig Chamberlin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS and Cancer?

Hi David & Susie,

If Reilly is being fed raw food, most likely he won't consume enough EIS.
Cats are urine concentrators and obtain almost all of their fluids from
food (if it is wet or raw).
Cats drive to drink water is very low, unless they are diabetic or
suffering kidney failure.
I have four cats, all being fed wet food. Over the course of a day if
they drink an ounce between the four of them, they have consumed a lot of

If they are being fed dry food they will drink water, but not enough.
They tend to be somewhat dehydrated.

If the EIS were injected beneath the skin, I would think they would absorb
the EIS that way just fine. Or maybe directly into the tumor.

Dogs and people different story:)



David AuBuchon wrote:
I think replacing a pets drinking water with CS is an excellent idea if
they have cancer. It has shown anticancer effects in addition to killing
infection. I've read like 10 anecdotes in dogs and 20 in humans. If he
survives the cancer, you will have plenty of time to find some way to
clean up sinus infection.

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