Yep, I administered around 16 ounces or 500ml EIS a day, in 8 ounce or 250ml 
lots, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, made a fresh batch 
each time.  Administered this for several days. I believe recovery was rapid, 
practically non existent blister breaking, nil post neuraligic pain or whatever 
it's called and the person concerned hasn't had a relapse in several years now.
No doubt in my mind EIS did the trick.  However, I make a distinction between 
so called 'CS' and a predominantly ionic silver solution.  I administered the 
latter, highest in Ag+ ions immediately after production.


Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 21:55:46 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>possibility of shingles!

My neighbor had shingles ,I gave him some 20PPM IS (Ionic Silver) he told after 
3 days it had really helped and the rash was almost gone! Said the silver I 
gave him was the only thing that worked!
        From: Lena Guyot <>
 To: silver-list <> 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:34 PM
 Subject: CS>possibility of shingles!
Hi Everyone,Well, in the midst of some upper back-pain that I suspected was 
referred pain from GB issues, my psoriasis (over the same area) was also 
getting painful: extra itchy and hard to ignore. No blisters to indicate 
shingles, but for 5 days, it's been uncomfortable and confusing. 
I sponged the area down tonight with concentrated, topical CS I make and keep 
in an urn in the bathroom and things feel somewhat better. Hope this is turning 
the corner as it's been a rough few days so far.
Does anyone have any experience with CS for either GB issues or shingles? 
Tonight, I also used CS and
 MSM under the tongue to get it throughout my system more efficiently. I'm also 
drinking a couple oz. of my regular CS.
Being a Lymie, I really don't want to go to the allopathic folks at the local 
hosp., as their remedies for both issues have side effects contra-indicated for 
BTW, my CS is generated with a Silver Puppy. For topical use, I put it on 
manual and run it longer, but for ingestion, I only use the auto setting.
Thanks for any advice you can
 give.Be well,Léna