Lena,  I've been battling shingles since January this year. CS is now being 
used effectively ,  someone gave me a recipe for Brooks Mix   which is 
essentially,  CS,DMSO and glycerine.  s I substituted  Coconut oil for the 
glycerine and it works OK,  just have to shake it up  since oil and water ( you 
know the drill).    Later Brooke  spoke up and said he was now using Aloe gell 
instead of the glycerine and it was much more effective.

Also   LYSINE   3 grams  daily.   I was put on L-lysine initially  but not 
enough.  B vitamins  especially  B-12 and lots of Vitamin C.

Mine have calmed down considerably  but I still get a hefty reminder when its 
time to take more Lysine.

The first two months of this stuff was almost unbearable, what with the pain 
and the itching.   Ice packs 24/7 helped keep things bearable,  eventually  I 
didn't need the ice any more but its very slow going.   Shingles are much 
nastier than anyone can imagine unless they have experienced them.  My Doc  
said I had the worst case he had ever seen,  so I guess I'm lucky that they 
have improved this much.   The scars from the lesions are still clearly visible.
Then  I tried  Chapparel tincture both applied topically and taken internally.  
It does seem to help  but tastes and smells pretty nasty.


 From: Lena Guyot <drumr...@stny.rr.com>
To: silver-list <silver-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, 23 October 2012, 23:34
Subject: CS>possibility of shingles!

Hi Everyone,
Well, in the midst of some upper back-pain that I suspected was referred pain 
from GB issues, my psoriasis (over the same area) was also getting painful: 
extra itchy and hard to ignore. No blisters to indicate shingles, but for 5 
days, it's been uncomfortable and confusing. 

I sponged the area down tonight with concentrated, topical CS I make and keep 
in an urn in the bathroom and things feel somewhat better. Hope this is turning 
the corner as it's been a rough few days so far.

Does anyone have any experience with CS for either GB issues or shingles? 
Tonight, I also used CS and MSM under the tongue to get it throughout my system 
more efficiently. I'm also drinking a couple oz. of my regular CS.

Being a Lymie, I really don't want to go to the allopathic folks at the local 
hosp., as their remedies for both issues have side effects contra-indicated for 

BTW, my CS is generated with a Silver Puppy. For topical use, I put it on 
manual and run it longer, but for ingestion, I only use the auto setting.

Thanks for any advice you can give.
Be well,