Thank you, Neville. I should have been reading
more attentively.
Your email is being saved, and validates my ever
Judy Down Maine

-----Original Message-----
From: Neville Munn []
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2012 10:23 AM
Subject: RE: CS>possibility of shingles! MY

My earlier post outlined my treatment.  I omitted
to say that initially I administered 1 x 8 ounce
glass {250ml} EIS produced using rain water to
achieve high total silver content {40+ ppm silver
content, lab analysed} then following 4-5 days
with approx 16 ounces {500ml} split in two batches
of freshly produced 8 ounce {250ml} glasses of
approx 10-13ppm EIS produced using DW. I ensured
one glass was consumed in the morning hours and
the other glass in the afternoon hours, all EIS
had to be consumed each day.  Stopped
administration of EIS after around those 4-5 days
from memory because recovery was definitely
evident, blisters disappearing, rash receding and
no post herpatic neuralgic or whatever it's called
pain upon full recovery.  Back to work after a
fortnight basically.  I am convinced the EIS was
efficacious in this instance.  All the person took
in addition to EIS was pain killers for around a
week.  Each glass for each of those days were
freshly brewed and consumed during aforesaid time
frames to maximise Ag+ ion intake.

The first dose was an attempt to flood the body
initially with that high silver level by using
rain water, then followed by normally produced EIS
in the hope of maintaining enough Ag+ ions in the
system to be effective, I believe it was.

Just my observational experience with EIS and
Shingles for a family member FWIW.


Subject: RE: CS>possibility of shingles! MY
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 07:25:09 -0400

I haven't been reading all your emails on
shingles, but have noticed many coming through,
so I must ask again ...
has anyone actually FLOODED his/her body with
C-silver for 3 days? That is, moving intake up
over a few days to drinking
ALL liquid intake as c-silver (10 ppm) ?  I
believe it is what I would seriously consider,
having watched my son's
"cat-scratch" infection (not shingles) disappear
in less than 2 days from an edemic leg that was
violent red from ankle to knee.
Judy Down Maine