OK Tel, 
I'll bite. What herbal concoction/recipe can you share? I'm a desperate woman! 

Be well, my friend,
On Oct 26, 2012, at 8:10 PM, Tel Tofflemire wrote:

> If the Booze does not work,
>  I have some Herbal tea I make that works very well, 
> I make it fresh with each use.
>  I  have used it with many for over 20 years for shingles.
> Tel Tofflemire
> From: Lena Guyot <drumr...@stny.rr.com>
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 2:57 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>possibility of shingles!
> Hi Craig,
> This is very helpful! I just bought a bottle of vodka the other day for 
> making tinctures, so will try this. I take Boron regularly and put Borax in 
> my laundry, so I may tinker with a mix of vodka, borax, and CS and see what 
> happens.
> I miss Obie. Wonder where he's at. Thanks for keeping such good archives.
> Really appreciate all the support in this suffering.
> Be well,
> Léna
> On Oct 26, 2012, at 4:41 PM, Craig Chamberlin wrote:
>> Hi Lena,
>> About ten years ago I got this suggestion from Obie (you still around Obie?) 
>> and it has worked for a number of people with whom I have shared it.
>> "
>> I use a large spray bottle, pour Everclear (180+ proof alcohol) into it, for 
>> shingles, to about 5% and fill the bottle with water shake and spray.  This 
>> will kill the bacteria completely and it won't take two or three weeks.  Use 
>> a dilute solution and spray more often because they are dominating such a 
>> large area of her skin that it
>> will be painful if it's too strong.  Any other skin or mouth, throat 
>> problem, I use the solution at 10%.  It's teriffic, works every time.
>> Also, if she thinks external bacteria is a problem, suggest Borax as a
>> bodywash and in the washine machine.  They can't feed on us with Borax.  
>> I've used it for years; never had any further problems.
>> The best to her, Obie."
>> The same ratio could be made by using vodka (which is usually 40 proof). I 
>> can't remember the formula to calculate how much water to add to this to get 
>> the same "5%" that Obie is referring to...I am certain Marshall does.
>> I know that this knocks the pain down almost immediately...and I know after 
>> the application of alcohol, the area was wiped/dabbed with CS.
>> Maybe this will help.
>> FWIW,
>> Craig
>> Lena Guyot wrote:
>>> Hi Zoe,
>>> I've been applying Brooks mix to the patches which calms them briefly. 
>>> Between that and the GB issues, I feel like I'm in one of Dante's circles 
>>> of hell. I'm drinking CS as well and taking 3g of L-lysine. Already on 15g 
>>> of C a day along with 15g of Himalayan salt. I'm Rifing the herpes Zoster 
>>> frequencies, in hope that they can reduce this.
>>> My husband is understandably nervous about my misery and brings up the 'D' 
>>> word ( as in doctor), but I don't want black box pharma, not with Lyme 
>>> disease on board. He's presently off to the nat. food store and pharmacy 
>>> for some topical cremes that are supposed to help.
>>> How has your battle been? I've only been fighting this a week and can't 
>>> imagine how you've hung on. What other tricks have you used. Are you still 
>>> sane? I have a very high pain threshold, but this is something else.
>>> Thanks and be well,
>>> Léna