  I think you have hit  on a problem that has concerned me for quite some
time about enormous amounts of Vit C being ingested. As you probably
already know, the man that promoted Vit C as a preventative  to vascular
problems, Dr Linus Pauling, died of cancer that he was trying to cure with
massive doses of Vit C.
  Vit C is an acid and cancer loves an acidic environment so extra large
doses at that time would be counter productive I would think.
  Another thought concerning Vit C is that it binds with Iodine and
deprives your thyroid of something it needs. The thyroid controls almost
every gland in your body and if not working properly can open a doorway to
many disorders.
  My thought is to take smaller amounts, enough to satisfy your needs,
maybe not enough to go beyond bowel tolerance. Bowel tolerance is a sign
you are overdoing  and the body is putting on the brakes before you do
  I spilled a drop of iodine on a painted windowsill , I tried to wipe it
off, that didn't affect it at all so I tried to wash it off with detergent
and that didn't affect it either, three months later it still looked like a
fresh spill so one night I laid a Vit C pill on the spot ,thinking I would
crush it and try to scrub up the stain if that would soften it a bit. Well
to my surprise the next morning the spot was gone and the area looked as if
I had possibly repainted it. The pill had turned a darker color. That was
proof to me of just how intensely Vit C
grabs iodine and removes it from your system.

Thoughts to ponder

On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 1:52 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick <> wrote:

>  I dissolved the soy lecithin in the distilled water before it went into
> the sonic cleaner.  This only took a couple of hours just shaking it up
> occasionally and then it was completely dissolved.  The only problem is, I
> am on another list which strongly suggests that taking supplemental Vit C
> can actually *help* cancer to survive.  I would be interested to hear any
> comments on this.  dee
> ------------------------------
> I whip the pre-mix by hand and it takes a little more time to get a good
> dissolve, but the emulsification in the finished product is vastly superior
> to soy granules and it always stays perfectly in suspension.
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> ------------------------------
> * From:** * Nenah Sylver <>;
>  * To: * <>;
>  * Subject: * RE: CS> Sunflower Lecithin
>  * Sent: * Sun, Nov 4, 2012 2:30:49 AM
>  I have made the Lip C with both liquid sunflower lecithin and soy
> lecithin granules. Although I’m not a fan of soy, I found that my body
> tolerated the soy lecithin okay.   The liquid is sticky and MUCH more
> difficult to emulsify—although it can be done. You simply need to spend
> about 3 times longer with the sonic cleaner to make sure that everything
> dissolves correctly. Shaking it in a jar beforehand doesn’t hurt either.
> Nenah   Nenah Sylver, PhD author, the NEW *Rife Handbook* (2011) *Holistic
> Handbook of Sauna Therapy* (2004) VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification
> <> ; <
> ------------------------------