I'd be interested in knowing the difference in end product between the use of 
99.98% and 99.99% pure fine silver electrodes?Does that 0.2% difference in 
silver produce a different end result measurement if using same electrode 
setup, same water and water temperature, same equipment, same brewing time,  
same testing methods etc etc.
I follow your thinking Asif, if it ain't broke then don't mess with it <g>.
All it has to do is *work*, and that's 'perfect' enough for me without chasing 
some impossible dream to achieve......*What* exactly?

Subject: Re: CS>The Silvercell process?
From: asifnathe...@hotmail.com
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2012 14:04:55 +0000
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

It's not difficult to make more than adequate highly ionic CS, by brewing using 
a very low current around 0.1 ma per sq inch. Extremely pure water and good 
clean apparatus.However I believe Mike is after the holy grail of perfection 
which in unnecessary  for certainly even the most ambitious uses of CS.I can 
get stable 30-40 us every time using extremely low currents and lots of time. 
And anyone who has been the recipient of the CS has been generally a happy 
bunny!. If I brew faster there is alway a gamble that after 15-20 us the brew 
can start looking slightly yellow or gold. Peace to allAsif

On 5 Jan 2012, at 09:31, "David O'Neil" <da...@alchemysa.com.au> wrote:

So, would you agree that Mikes claim that its 
extremely difficult to make highly ionic CS is somewhat exagerated?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 7:25 
  Subject: Re: CS>The Silvercell 
I stopped brewing at about a stable 50 uS.  Slight yellow 
  tinge.  It is possible it could go higher if I just kept sticking the 
  generator in it.  But I got bored.  This concentration brew also 
  does not appear to make me herx or anything.