I just did an eight day fresh squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne
pepper fast and it was the easiest fast I've ever done and actually felt
luxurious. No headaches and no hunger. Anyone interested can look it up at
I can't remember if I posted this before, so forgive me if I did - it just
was such a wonderful fast I wanted to pass the word on.
Also, the easiest way for me to quicken a herx is to make sure I clean my
bowels out and that is really easily done by drinking one liter of water
with two teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt added for a salt water flush.
Only do this if you have nothing else to do for an hour and can be near the
Take care,

> Hi Sharon and listers,
>  Good report. Looks like you have a handle on fasting. The best part is
> how good you feel afterwards.
>  Some folks think fasting means to starve yourself, its not that at all.
>  A fast is not taking solids into the body for a period of time. Liquid
> nutients are required, no fats, very bland, usually a broth is used
> during the fast period. Lots and lots of water should be passed through
> the body, and always pass out waste at every urging without delay.
>  Sounds sort of like water therapy, with it is in part. Never leave
> wastes in the bladder or colon any longer that necessary, as toxins in
> the wastes will be reabsorbed into the body, in other words don`t hold
> it. :-)
>   Bless you     Bob Lee
> Sharon L. House wrote:
>> Bob Lee,
>> I never fasted for more than a few days at a time and all I consumed during
>> those times was psyllium seed in water and also drank much water during the
>> day. The reason I fasted while I was doing the colon cleansing was because
>> fasting encourages things to loosen up and become easier to be eliminated.
>> Plus I also had the advantage of knowing that after the second day of
>> cleansing, that what I eliminated during the colon cleanse was for sure old
>> stuff and not anything I recently consumed. That way no one, including
>> myself, could ever doubt that what came out of me was ancient garbage.
>> It's enormously convincing to see for yourself just what you've been
>> carrying around for years and years inside your gut. You don't have to have
>> a large belly to be packing away a lot of garbage. Many very thin people
>> have such good results that they wonder where they put it all those years.
>> It's a real eye opener!!
>> Also, old fecal material can be causing far ranging symptoms in any area of
>> the body. The colon affects every part of the body and you may not think a
>> particular symptom could possibly be related to a filthy colon but it is
>> VERY possible. If nothing more, a colon cleansing can make it much easier
>> to fight any disease by giving you renewed energy and an immune system
>> boost. Just think how much better your body could operate if it weren't
>> fighting colon poisons seeping into your system all your life.
>> Sharon

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