Hi Lena,
I've been told that the body doesn't absorb the magnesium from epsom salts very 
You might want to check it out.

From: Lena Guyot <drumr...@stny.rr.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, March 5, 2013 11:25:13 AM
Subject: Re: CS>afib -- so true!

Our local Feed'n'Seed sells 50lb bags of pure epsom salts (they use it for 
horses) for about the same price as de-icer without possible other 
ingredients(that 'mostly' concerns me) that I wouldn't want transdermally. Same 
quality as the pharmacy milk-carton epsom salts. You can be lavish.=)
Be well,

On Mar 5, 2013, at 11:08 AM, Dan Nave wrote:

I went down to Home Depot and got a 50 pound bag of "MAG" de-icer
>which is mostly magnesium chloride for about $17.  It is from the Dead
>Sea Works.  I checked the MSDS and it looks fine for my use.  I just
>put about 4 cups in the bath water and soak for as long as I want.
>On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 2:12 PM, Lena Guyot <drumr...@stny.rr.com> wrote:
>Unfortunately the very best way to absorb Mag is through the skin, in the
form of diluted mag oil (google it) I find it difficult to comply, despite
its excellent reviews, as it feels like post-it glue on the skin and must be
washed off after a half hour, which makes for yet another awkward routine.
Apparently the stuff you ingest loses most of its benefit through the gut.

Be well,

On Mar 4, 2013, at 1:41 PM, Rachel Hawkridge wrote:

Take magnesium citrate capsules.

It's missing from our depleted soil and water.


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Sarah Miller <sarahmiller...@gmail.com>

What are some good ways to get efficient in magnesium?


On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Judy Knowlton
<judydownma...@roadrunner.com> wrote:




-----Original Message-----
From: Shirley Reed [mailto:pj20...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 11:17 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>afib

 Since nearly everyone is deficient in magnesium (which is required for
muscle contraction and relaxation) supplementing with this nutrient may be
helpful.  From what I have read, it usually results in the disappearance of
the problem.  And if we are deficient in one mineral, we usually are
deficient in others.  Best wishes,  pj






Peace . . .

Rachel Hawkridge
in a NE Seattle 'burb




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