All right!!!  Time for my 2 cents now.  :)  I didn't buy my silver from 
Marsha.  I bought my silver from the same company Marsha does though.  I had 
to buy a minimum of $25.00 of it though.  If I had bought it through  Marsha 
it would have been a lot cheaper in the long run.   I have given some of it 
to friends but I still have a lot.  Marsha helped me with directions on how 
to do it and coached me for about a month to get me through the rough parts.  
She also has been one of my best friends and I owe her a lot.   Marsha is one 
of the main reasons I started silver.  She didnn't ask for money and didn't 
act like only her silver was the best like some would have done.  Before 
meeting Marsha I honestly thought all the talk about silver was just a bunch 
of selling hype to sell you something to make money off of people that were 
sick.  She is what makes me feel this list is helpful and I honestly steer 
away from the people on this list that seem to be trying to make a buck and 
what they say goes in one ear and out the other.  But because of Marsha's not 
trying to make a financial gain off of me thats why I tried it and am now in 
remission and been off abx for almost 5 months now and loving every minute of 
it.    I do buy it now but its from a company that I feel is very reasonable. 
 I don't think anyone can beat a gallon for $31 plus shipping and handleing.  
It advertises to be 100ppm but in the testing someone did on this group it 
turned out to be about 80ppm which I still consider that pretty good.  I have 
been pleased with it. :)  This is just my opinion.  Thank you Marsha for all 
you have done in showing me a way to get well that didn't cost me an arm and 
a leg. 

Take care,

In a message dated 10/18/99 11:05:21 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< << Dear James,
  Yeah, I finally have someone here (my son) who figured out for me what I`m
  paying, and all. My poor brain is terribly mathematically challenged...
  I was surprised to find that silver is cheaper now than when I first began
  sending it out several years ago, and am now making money. Wasn`t my plan.
   Everyone I`ve spoken to says that five bucks is fair, for the driving to
  the PO and the postage and handling and all. If anyone disagrees, I can send
  them the silver for exactly my cost. Or free if they can`t pay. I`ve done
  that several times.
  Marsha, who only wants to help.
   >> >>

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