>It's nice that Marsha helps people, but the point is that she bashed people
>that make money
A LOT of money...
from selling colloidal silver and supplies.  Now it turns
>out that she makes money as well.
A little bit.
 It's fine and dandy that she gives away
>things to people that can't afford them, I have done the same in the past
>(and will accept no glorification for it, as my actions will be judged not
>by mere man, but a much higher source). However, "if that ain't the pot
>calling the kettle black", I dunno what is.
>>By reading this sentence, you are agreeing that the paragraph(s) above are
>only an opinion, and should only be viewed as such.
>>Yours in health,
and in HIS pocketbook...
>James Allison

Dear James, You are a real snooty guy...Does "Holier than thou" ring any
Just my opinion of YOU!
Hate to imagine what the Higher Authority thinks of you, too.
Marsha, who is still in this just to help.
PS, I`m going to take any money I do make, and donate it to something

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