Hi Sandy,

[ this should have gone to the silver list the first time. - tm ]

Re Yellow CS

There are a few things that can go wrong.
*   The water may be contaminated by something that causes yellowing. Soap or 
    is the usual culprit.
*   Some plasticisers and all soaps will do that. One then needs an enormous 
amount of 
    rinsing to dilute the surfactants.
*   Scrubbing, wiping or cleaning the rods will do that. The swab or scrubber 
will probably 
    be contaminated from manufacture. Just rinse very well.
*   Contact with Any wiper, cloth, scrubber-pad or paper will probably 
*   High current will make yellow.
*   Jim Meissners simple design will make yellow, because by design it will 
start off very 
    sedately, with very low current to the electrodes but will to "run away" 
after a while and 
    result in relatively high current, which in turn results in large particle 
size and 
    agglomeration, which give the appearance of yellow.
*   I trust that you are not intentionally adding anything to the good quality 
distilled water 
    before making CS

Sandy, I would trust the SilverGen to produce very good CS (EIS) if you have 
used it 
according to instructions.


On 8 Apr 2013 at 14:49, JERRY PRENDERGAST wrote about :
Subject : CS>Silver Gen silver

> Hi and thanks to all on this wonderful site.
> I asked awhile ago about cleaning the jars for making silver. I got great
> responses and tried I think all of them. I tried first cleaning up my old
> jars and rods per your instructions. When I made a fresh batch of silver
> it still had a slight golidish grennish cast--slight but noticeable and
> white particles on the bottom and particles in the air if I looked at it
> soon after it was made. Tried a new water--Walgreens steamed distilled.
> Still the same problems. So I bought new jars and put on a new rod-- still
> the same problems maybe even worse with some black particles on the bottom
> besides the white.
> So I called Silver Gen and a gentleman answered this time and gave me a
> lesson in why this would happen and says that the silver is fine and just
> let the particles settle and go to the bottom and then pour out most of
> the CS into a different jar leaving the particles behind. This was quite
> different than the woman from Silver Gen had said to me several days
> before. She said it should be a clear solution.
> So I would appreciate any suggestions any might have. I am hesitant to
> drink it since the made silver is no longer clear. The solution was clear
> and no noticeable white for several months when I first bought my Silver
> Gen.
> Thanks, Sandy