---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brooks Bradley <bradlebro...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 12:25 PM
To: glendajma...@aol.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brooks Bradley <bradlebro...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 12:15 PM
To: glendajma...@aol.com

Dear Glenda,
     You have my sympathy regarding your husband's "trigger finger"
presentation.  First, no one seems to know the "exact" cause of
"trigger finger".  However, it is patently obvious that at least some
of Neuralgia is involved.  Interestingly, I have, personally experienced
but persistent effects of this muscle/nerve type insult.
       I first experienced it in the little finger of my left hand.  It
would present,
unbidden, at various times during the day.....and without warning.  We
this affliction and decided upon a "test" protocol.  While we can present no
"double-blind" based evidence to validate our results......I have enjoyed a
rapid improvement and 90% favorable resolution from this insult.  The basis
our protocol was HIGH-GRADE  Omega 3 fish oil (Puritan's Pride...the
supplement company..
..has an acceptable product at quite reasonable cost)--Dosage 6 each of
1200 mg. daily
in capsule form----preferably, divided into 2 separate dosages;   800 mg.
of Alpha Lipoic Acid, Daily (taken in 2 , separate 400 mg doses); 200 mg of
B-6 (in either one or two doses) .  Additionally, the inclusion of 400 mg
of Pineapple Bromelain (taken in 2
separate doses between meals----at least 30 minutes isolated from any food
intake), helped measurably to delay the occurrence of the seizure episodes.
Measurable improvement presented within the first 5 days....pronounced
improvement within 10 days
and a 90% reduction in episodes within 20 days.  At present....as I
continue with this protocol (45 days into the evaluation)
I have had only one---very light----attack, during the past two
weeks.......and it "self-resolved" within 10 seconds of occurrence.
         Given your description of your husband's physical insult (if it
was me) I would consider experimenting with this simple
systemic support protocol.  I have, very recently, introduced a couple more
elements into the over-all protocol---but within too short of a time frame
to verify any measurable beneficial effect.
          I hope these comments prove to be of value to you in your
personal researches.
                                                Best Regards,   Brooks.
p.s.  The reason for the "qualifying" comment about Bromelain is that
bromelain  is a naturally-occurring
digestive enzyme which will act upon (combine with) many foodstuffs that it
encounters within the alimentary
tract-----which cancels bromelain 's ability to otherwise benefit other
systemic functions in the body.  e.g.  Bromelain
is a VERY POWERFUL  lean-tissue inflammation control, but becomes
unavailable for such "systemic" support
if there are food constituents in the stomach.  When combined with 2000 mg.
of Turmeric and 2000 mg. of Boswellia
daily....2000 mg of Bromelain enzyme furnishes one of the most POWERFUL
addresses for systemic arthritis conditions
.....we have EVER evaluated.  Note:  90% of the adults over 55 years of
age----in the U.S.........are presenting to
some form of arthritis within the articulating joints of the body......on a
continuing basis.  A circumstance which is quite
profitable for the patent-drug makers......but HORRENDOUS in long-term
effect upon those taking NSAID compounds
for short-term relief of pain and associated discomforts.  It is a
demonstrable fact that ALL NSAIDS (Non-steroidal
Anti-inflammation Drugs), including aspirin...which is less insulting than
the patented synthetics......are TOXIC to the
general SYSTEMIC health of human beings----MOST ESPECIALLY the LIVER and
the entire digestive tract..

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 10:34 AM, <glendajma...@aol.com> wrote:

> Brooks,
> my husband, my dear husband is suffering from trigger finger of the ring
> finger on the left hand, for the last 3 weeks. Nothing can be done with
> conventional medicine for this problem. Can you please suggest something.
> His symptoms are : very difficult to bend the finger from the first knuckle
> away from the palm, if he bends the finger, it locks up, then he has to
> manually unlock it. Intermittent pain.
>                                                   Bless You,
>                                                        Glenda Mason