Joy wrote: What would be the optimal PH level of the distilled water used in
making CS?





Water is a powerful solvent and in nature, it naturally attracts minerals.
Depending on the minerals present in water, water will be acidic (below 7.0)
or alkaline (above 7.0).


Distilled water by definition is water that has had all contaminants and
also minerals removed via a special process. Pure distilled water
theoretically, therefore, has a neutral pH of 7.0.


However, this is rarely the case because the moment air touches distilled
water, the water-which is trying to "right" itself by attracting other
ingredients to it-absorbs carbon dioxide, thus creating a small amount of
carbolic acid which ends up in the fluid. So distilled water in real life
normally has a pH of anywhere from 6.3 to about 6.8.


One colloidal/ionic silver company, Natural Immunogenics, deals with this
problem of distilled water's extreme volatility by exposing its tanks of
freshly-made distilled water to a layer of inert gas (I believe argon) so
nothing in the air can react with the distilled water and lower its pH to an
unacceptable acidic level.


I make my own distilled water for my CS. I have accepted the fact that it
will be slightly acidic. The benefits from CS outweigh the disadvantage of
the water being slightly acidic. However, for each point of lowered acidity,
one needs to drink 10 times that amount of alkaline water to balance that
out. My drinking water is naturally alkaline, and I add Willard Water and
Sea Minerals to it so I drink many glasses of alkaline water throughout the
day. This counterbalances any acidity I might get from drinking CS.




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)

Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)

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