Selzer water, aka, soda water, is fused with carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide
works synergistic with magnesium and helps the body absorb it.  Cramps are
a side affect of a lack of magnesium, I can have cramps and within twenty
minutes of drinking this water with MoM, they are gone.  david lubbock tx.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Anne Ney <> wrote:

> Why selser water?
> Sent from my iPad
> On Jul 25, 2013, at 10:56 AM, dAVId <> wrote:
> The best prevenative for me is using magnesium bicarbonate, wahoo, great
> for all aches and pains.  Mix three tablespoons of milk of magnesium,
> plain, in one liter/one quart of Selzer water, shake and leave in refrig
> for about thirty minutes, drink about one third bottle daily.  Wally world
> has both for a small charge.  This mix really puts a tremendous amount of
> magnesium into the body and will strengthen muscles.  Magnesium causes
> muscles to relax, Potassium constricts muscles, we generally get enough
> potassium from foods, mag is hard to get as there is none in our soil since
> nineteen ninety, so we sleep much better, no more restless leg syndrome and
> magnesium is a very great anti pathogen.  MoM is a laxative so spread out
> your dosage to twice a day, david lubbock tx.
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Gary Hilt <>wrote:
>> Hi to all: im back again to find some wisdom.
>> i have 2 bad shoulders both worked on rotator etc. and both hips. i try
>> to walk with the aid of a rolling walker and i ride a bike.
>> im using Capsaisin which affords some relief and i have used DMSO little
>> help. i also use Capsaison capsules and ginger. Any ideas for Arthritic
>> pain and soreness. im 65
>> Thank You
>> gary
>> --
>> Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the
>> Lord Jesus Christ.
>> Gary & Lennie