Anal isn't the point. Being understood correctly is.
Now that I have been completely taken over by a dratted android I used
to spell and punctuate more accuratly than I do now.
Worst of all I've almost stopped careing.

Edit and correct those typos as you wish.
Thanks and more power and appreciation to you.

On 7/25/13, Donna Lewis <> wrote:
> I agree 100% about the spelling.  Keep it up.  I don’t mind being called
> anal either.  I’d rather be anal than illiterate J
> Donna
> From: Lena Guyot []
> Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 4:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Arthritus Uh, it's spelled Arthritis...
> What can I say? Before Lyme nibbled at my brain I was a book editor! (still
> am, so this edit was a freebie.)
> Face it: the language is getting frayed around the edges. You'd be
> surprised
> how hard I work on my posts to catch my own faux pas and typos: it's a mark
> of respect for the reader, especially when there's the possibility that
> 'N-Acetyl carnitine' was really meant to be N-Acetyl carnosine. I've seen
> some scary spelling errors in some groups.
> Reading less, we tend to spell phonetically these days, and heaven forfend
> we could use google to check on the spelling of a heard but unread word
> (something I try to do) Sometimes, this is funny, like when someone
> referred
> to the 'duck vile', meaning bile ducts. Between the 'ducks' and the 'gulls'
> we turn from health to ornithology.  The trouble is, it makes it harder for
> us to be taken seriously by docs and others who might be trying to help us.
> Personally, I always appreciate when someone corrects my spelling, though
> not quite so appreciative to be called 'anal'.
> Be well,
> Léna
> On Jul 25, 2013, at 7:03 PM, Gary Hilt wrote:
> Sorry for my faux pas but it does seen a little anal. :O)
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Lena Guyot <> wrote:
> The thread started here, I think. It's spelled 'arthritis'. Hate to see
> errors repeated over and over again, because the more they're repeated, the
> more they look right and then we're all stuck thinking we've been
> misspelling when we haven't. In one group, the doomed word was 'gull'
> bladder. For myself, it took me almost two years to finally get
> 'ophthalmologist' right. :-) Léna
> On Jul 25, 2013, at 8:27 AM, Gary Hilt wrote:
> Hi to all: im back again to find some wisdom.
> i have 2 bad shoulders both worked on rotator etc. and both hips. i try to
> walk with the aid of a rolling walker and i ride a bike.
> im using Capsaisin which affords some relief and i have used DMSO little
> help. i also use Capsaison capsules and ginger. Any ideas for Arthritic
> pain
> and soreness. im 65
> Thank You
> gary
> --
> Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord
> Jesus Christ.
> Gary & Lennie
> --
> Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord
> Jesus Christ.
> Gary & Lennie

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