OK, Joe.  Just so you aren't overdosing on magnesium... hard to do but it is 
possible I have read.

 From: Joe Huard <joe.hu...@primus.ca>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 10:33 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: CS>Arthritus

I sent this yesterday, but it didn't go through, so here it is without the 


-------- Original Message -------- 
Subject: Re: CS>Arthritus 
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 18:57:32 -0400 
From: Joe Huard <joe.hu...@primus.ca> 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

I have been drinking this magnesium bicarbonate water made with
      MoM and Club  Soda. I agree that is a large dose; 12 times too
      strong. I got this recipe from the Crock_Lakhovsky Yahoo group.
      The 3 tablespoons in a litre of Club Soda (carbonated water) is
      the CONCENTRATE. It is diluted 11:1, so if doing a 4 litre jug,
      use 1/3 litre of concentrate and add 3 and 2/3 litres water.
I attach the files from my computer on this.

Joe H.

On 25/07/2013 6:30 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

I don't believe it is seltzer water but rather carbonated water that should 
contain nothing else.  That is also a very large dose from everything I have 
>If you want more information search "afibber's cocktail".
> From: Anne Ney <aney3...@gmail.com>
>To: "silver-list@eskimo.com" <silver-list@eskimo.com> 
>Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 12:00 PM
>Subject: Re: CS>Arthritus
>Why selser water?
>Sent from my iPad
>On Jul 25, 2013, at 10:56 AM, dAVId <dhall...@gmail.com> wrote:
>The best prevenative for me is using magnesium bicarbonate, wahoo, great for 
>all aches and pains.  Mix three tablespoons of milk of magnesium, plain, in 
>one liter/one quart of Selzer water, shake and leave in refrig for about 
>thirty minutes, drink about one third bottle daily.  Wally world has both for 
>a small charge.  This mix really puts a tremendous amount of magnesium into 
>the body and will strengthen muscles.  Magnesium causes muscles to relax, 
>Potassium constricts muscles, we generally get enough potassium from foods, 
>mag is hard to get as there is none in our soil since nineteen ninety, so we 
>sleep much better, no more restless leg syndrome and magnesium is a very great 
>anti pathogen.  MoM is a laxative so spread out your dosage to twice a day, 
>david lubbock tx. 
>>On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Gary Hilt <sobertogod1n...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Hi to all: im back again to find some wisdom.
>>>i have 2 bad shoulders both worked on rotator etc. and both hips. i try to 
>>>walk with the aid of a rolling walker and i ride a bike.
>>>im using Capsaisin which affords some relief and i have used DMSO little 
>>>help. i also use Capsaison capsules and ginger. Any ideas for Arthritic pain 
>>>and soreness. im 65
>>>Thank Yougary
>>>Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord 
>>>Jesus Christ. 
>>>Gary & Lennie