I haven't kept up with this whole discussion, but
the ongoing question I always ask myself is,
what is the CAUSE.  Yes, I'll feel better for
awhile if the inflammation is down, and that's
but what is TRIGGERING the reaction is more
important to me.
Judy Down Maine

JOY Is Lovely Liquid Light....
is a quote from my biography
"Patched, A Spiritual Memoir"
Written by me, "Judy K."
Happily available on Amazon.

-----Original Message-----
From: PT Ferrance [mailto:ptf2...@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 5:24 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>LDN

OK, I am finally considering low dose naltrexone
for the systemic inflammation.  I know a number of
my fellow and gal list members are on this regimen
so can we open a discussion?  Is it something I
will need to do for the rest of my life or is it
withdrawn after a period of time? Where is the
best place to obtain it at a reasonable price?
Are there any side effects?
Thanks for any help you can give.