Hi Mike:

If you were to use Celtic Sea Salt you would hardly taste it, it works
like a very mild laxative.


M. G. Devour wrote:
> This lemon juice/maple syrup modified fast seems do-able after a
> couple of days of easing into it. However, is there any way to
> make the morning salt water cleanse a bit less ghastly tasting?
> Could I substitute pretzels and beer? <GRIN>
> Seriously, though, two level teaspoons of sea salt in a quart of
> water tastes pretty bad to me! I couldn't choke it all down.
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
> [Speaking only for myself...              ]
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