The "blue man" would love this "new" product! 
   Notice the "protein" in the ingredients list.  Have noticed several new 
attacks on legitimate alternative medicine in the form of confusing and 
misleading information being placed on the net. Am I correct in my 
understanding that mild silver protein is produced simply by adding gelatin 
powder (ie; Knox, etc.) to regular EIS?  And does this not also cause the PPM 
to jump into the thousands?  So how does this cause the price to climb to 
$1,000/Gal.?  Am I in the wrong business?  Thought some of you would see the 
humor in all this. And this is a fairly recent listing on the net near as I can 
tell!  Got the blender sales people trying to take over the Lipo-c site first, 
and now this!  I need a vacation.        l8r, mlbrown      PS. To avoid 
potential lawsuits, let me state clearly that these are
 strictly my opinions.