Hi again folks,

In my last e-mail I talked about the success I've been having with
Brooks Bradley's arthritis protocol and Beta-Sitosterol for prostate
issues. Now for fun with a Zapper!

I received my Don Croft Zapper on the 28th of October, at which point
I'd been off nearly all supplements and protocols I'd been using for
about two weeks.

Don's design is a basic Clark-style zapper using, I presume, a 555 timer
chip and perhaps some waveform shaping or at least current limiting
components. I believe it puts out 9 volts or so open circuit, a bit less
than 50% duty cycle, and 15 Hertz (cycles per second).

It comes in a case about the size of a smallish pack of playing cards,
with two copper discs on one side and a slide switch and a small green
LED on one end. There is a good sized neodymium magnet inside the case,
placed where it will be near your skin when you wear it. There are also
other features of a metaphysical nature I will leave for those
interested in such things to research. <wink>

I started wearing it right away; placing it on top of a shoulder,
slipping it under my waistband, putting it in the bottom of my sock at
night or at the calf during the day. I've found that an ACE bandage
works well to let you wear it in other places, such as on your upper
arms or on a thigh. I've occasionally spent a few minutes applying it by
hand to my face, head, or neck. The top cut off of a sock will let you
wear it on your calf when you'd rather go barefoot.

So here is the first thing that "fixed itself" after I started using my

For as long as I've measured them, my urine and saliva pH have always
been low unless I was actively taking something like baking soda or
potassium citrate in order to raise them at least temporarily into a
healthy range. Only rarely would I ever see a reading that wasn't off
the bottom of the pH strip range at 5.0. This was even true first thing
in the morning, let alone after I'd eaten.

I recorded the following data:

October 28th:
   2:55 pm Urine pH between 5.0 and 5.5, shortly after lunch

October 29th:
   6:30 am morning pH: 5.5 urine, 6.0 saliva

October 30th:
10:30 am morning pH: 6.5 urine, 6.5 saliva

The next day urine was back down near 5.0, and has varied widely since,
depending on when and what I ate the previous day and how much acid
waste products are still in the bloodstream, but is most frequently in
the area of 6.0, which I've NEVER SEEN unless forced by supplementation.

Saliva pH, which is more representative of your lymphatic fluid, has
been ROCK STEADY at 6.5 with an occasional blip to 7.0. 

This has gone on for over a month now, with no changes in diet or
lifestyle choices other than the wearing of the zapper.

What next? Blood pressure, I say! For at least the last decade I've
"enjoyed" mild to moderate hypertension, with systolic readings from
140-170 depending on where and when it was measured, and diastolic
pressure seldom below 80 and usually between 82 and 88, with occasional
spikes over 90, just to rub my nose in it. <sigh>

Nothing I've ever done that's supposed to help lower blood pressure has
caused mine to budge.

On Tuesday, October 29th, I got a typical reading for sitting around at

4:15 pm Blood pressure: 134/83 left, 145/85 right, after only a minute
or two of inactivity. Pulse around 80.

Two and a half weeks later, on Saturday, November 16th, I recorded:

6:20 pm Blood Pressure before dinner with daughter's cuff and
   128/72 sitting at dining room table for a few minutes
6:45 pm 128/70, with our cuff, almost nodding off sitting on couch in
living room

Within the next week and a half I had appointments with a couple of
different doctors, and the readings in the doctor's office were both in
the 130/70 range.

Purdy. Darned. Amazing!

I am just thrilled by this. Couldn't help mentioning it to those
doctors. They didn't have a whole lot to say, unsurprisingly. <grin>

So, while I continue to wear the Zapper every day nearly full time,
awaiting any other welcome effects that may choose to show up, it's
already paid off beyond my wildest expectations. I can at least look
forward to BP and pH being healthy without pills or powders.

I am just coming off an aggressive anti-inflammatory protocol (ending 2
weeks prior to the Zapper), so I may have been prepped to see these
benefits, but nothing I've done with diet or supplements has changed
either value in up to 10 years, so it's not some kind of delayed
reaction to coming off the supplements. The only active protocol I was
doing was continuous Zapping.

Call it placebo effect or "spontaneous remission" if you like; I'm
calling it a causal link. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I'll have more to share as things move along, but that's the good stuff
for now.

Be well!

Mike D.

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