Hi Melly,
Everyone is different. 
I can only speak from my own experience. I routinely take about an oz. a day, 
but at the first sign of a cold or infection I ramp up to more for a few days. 
In September, I got what turned out to be flu from a co-worker. I spiked a 
fever for the first time in years (I'm a Lymie, so this was good news: that my 
immune system was CAPABLE for fevering again) Knowing that CS is a good 
antibiotic and anti-viral,  I tried to remember to take an oz every couple 
hours to fight the obvious infection. I also had a cough that was ruining 
sleep, until I remembered that I had a portable nebulizer I'd bought for my 
husband, whose colds always attack his chest. (believe me, I'm experienced with 
pneumonia and have been trained to hear its signs) 
So using his nebulizer, for my painful and persistent cough, I nebulized CS and 
was amazed at how much it quieted everything, soothed my bronchiae, and even 
soothed my dry and irritated eyes. I was also misting it up my sinuses, and 
using it in the other ways I mentioned in previous post. 
Then, feeling better, I got lazy with all the extra fiddling and stopped most 
for a few days and the flu tried to make a 'U'-turn. I resumed my full CS 
routine and emerged more energized than before I'd become ill.

I've never heard of 'too much silver' causing pneumonia: that somehow doesn't 
add up, but then, I don't know the details of your anecdote and the devil is in 
the details.

I rarely stop something out of unsubstantiated fear. Fear is a wild and 
damaging infection. I might back down a bit, but try to gather more info, as 
I've learned that the body doesn't like full stops or sudden big starts.

Be well,
On Dec 2, 2013, at 7:29 PM, Melly Bag wrote:

> Hi Lena and all,
> Do you take CS every single day?  How much do you take?  Does it not cause 
> respiratory or lung problem if taken everyday?   I ask as someone i know took 
> it every single day, then she caught pneumonia and she was told it was due to 
> too much silver.  I stopped ingesting everyday out of fear.
> Thanks.
> Melly
> Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Lena Guyot <drumr...@stny.rr.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
> They are misinformed (and propagandized by big pharma, which can't profit 
> from CS). If you're using properly-made CS, from distilled water with a good 
> CS generator, there's nothing to fear and much to gain. I've been using CS 
> for 6 years now and except for a few gray hairs, (LOL) no gray anywhere else. 
> I use it for mouth rinse, ear-drops, eye-drops, mist it up into my sinuses, 
> use for topical wounds, take as abx when challenged by virus, wash my produce 
> in it, wipe my counters with it, put it in my dog's water, and and share it 
> with friends who soon become fans. Great stuff!
> I personally use Cream of Tartar for candida. I make my own (00) caps, and 
> take 4x a day. It's supposed to 'drown' candida, and It has definitely 
> lessened mine considerably. Not a doc, only a Lymie lab-rat, speaking from my 
> personal experience. Everyone's different.
> Be well,
> Léna