Hi Melly,
 From one of the "...and all" <g>, I've been ingesting approximately 30ml every 
morning before breakfast for near on 10 years now I guess, a long time anyway.  
It's not a lot I admit, but I believe it's adequate in maintaining everything 
in good working order, however, that quantity does jump up considerably if I 
feel the need to increase it for any reason.
The only thing is, I have to constantly remind myself that to me 'CS' refers to 
purchased products and are totally different to the home made stuff, i.e. EIS 
{opinion and sticking to it <g>}.
So, if you are referring to the home made stuff then going on my daily regimen, 
there is no problem, I have no fear anyway.  I may only be a pup in my early to 
mid 60's, but I've not had a problem at all, quite the opposite I believe, and 
I'm an around a 50 year smoker to boot, roll your own for the last 8 years or 

Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 16:29:00 -0800
From: tita_...@yahoo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #318

Hi Lena and all,

Do you take CS every single day?  How much do you take?  Does it not cause 
respiratory or lung problem if taken everyday?   I ask as someone i know took 
it every single day, then she caught pneumonia and she was told it was due to 
too much silver.  I stopped ingesting everyday out of fear.

      Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Lena Guyot <drumr...@stny.rr.com> wrote:

Hi David,They are misinformed (and propagandized by big pharma, which can't 
profit from CS). If you're using properly-made CS, from distilled water with a 
good CS generator, there's nothing to fear and much to gain. I've been using CS 
for 6 years now and except for a few gray hairs, (LOL) no gray anywhere else. I 
use it for mouth rinse, ear-drops, eye-drops, mist it up into my sinuses, use 
for topical wounds, take as abx when challenged by virus, wash my produce in 
it, wipe my counters with it, put it in my dog's water, and and share it with 
friends who soon become fans. Great stuff!

I personally use Cream of Tartar for candida. I make my own (00) caps, and take 
4x a day. It's supposed to 'drown' candida, and It has definitely lessened mine 
considerably. Not a doc, only a Lymie lab-rat, speaking from my personal 
experience. Everyone's different.
Be well,Léna