There are reactions with electro-chemical byproducts that take a few days to complete after power is removed.
You will note that conductivity drops by as much as 40% over a couple of days.
That's why re-re-running a batch can make a meter reading go as high as 20 uS where the gen shuts down ...and stays there...that % of the total gets smaller each time till the gen just won't run.

PPM meters [ measuring conductivity ] are only an approximation, easily fooled...not perfect.....but they don't cost several thousand dollars and aren't as big as a desk.

Dissolved stuff never settles but undergoes 'Stabilization' and the product of stablization is whatever particulate that won't stay dissolved and goes into suspension. Only suspended solid stuff can settle and if it does, it's larger than the size that defines "colloidal"
The closer it is to that definition, the longer it takes to settle.
That which meets the definition of colloidal never settles, but stays suspended.

BTW The generator doesn't make particles AT ALL... [none do] .it makes ONLY silver ions and hydroxl anions. [ Ag+ and OH- ] and some hydrogen and oxygen gas. Particles come later AFTER the gen does what it does...muchly while it's doing its thing, but still after.
Think about a car.
Exhaust is a byproduct of combustion that's made just after the act of combustion, as a 'result of'....and it's not the engine that's doing the's the fuel/air mix. When the byproducts meet the environment, all sorts of possibilities contrails if it's a cool damp day...or smog if ozone levels are high.


At 01:04 PM 12/16/2013 -0500, you wrote:
Just curious, isn't colloidal silver a colloid once it is made? Why does it take 2 days settling? BTW, it was probably 4-5 hours after the Silver Puppy shut down when I added the H2O2.

Often it will turn cloudy if you add it immediately after brewing.  Most

people wait about 2 days after brewing before adding H2O2.

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