you know i was thinking virus too...
i've had pretty good success with the humaworm products...
they have an anti-virus formula that works well

On 31.12.2013 08:32, 123 456 wrote:
For some reason I cannot  explain I would suggest maybe tryinghe with
foods that contain more  copper magnesium.
Avocados, raspberrys and blackberrys, cherry juice in bicarb water, brazil nuts.
More veges in diet.
Chaga tea...shitaki mushrooms also maitaki.
All good  things to try introducing into he diet.
She might be harboring virus' too.
Oil of Oregano hels that..I use it topically..burns a little but the
bodystill absorbs it.
Maybe include more enzymes into her  diet.
Ripe  papaya is tasty and  a good source.
Let us know how she's doing.
All the best

On 12/30/13, PT Ferrance <> wrote:
I have also read of MS being helped by IV colloidal silver... if you can
find a doctor to do it.

 From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2013 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: CS>emf

MS has had been treated positively with
1 a strict low carb diet
2 high dose fish oil capsules (check out Barry Sears on amazon, and
his own website)
3 increasing "good fats" in the diet.

You will have to do some studying to get up to speed. Most physicians
are not. I suggest:
Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your
Brain's Silent Killers by David Perlmutter and Kristin Loberg (Sep 17,

We can defeat gravity.  The problem is the paperwork involved.

On 12/30/2013 12:07:05 PM, Gary Hilt (
i need you folks wisdom again. Wife has MS but
she's been bloating in abdomen? E.R. ran ct scan blood etc found nothing.
Her mouth is always sore and she can barely eat. Any ideas?

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Maple Springs Farm