MS has had been treated positively with
1 a strict low carb diet
2 high dose fish oil capsules (check out Barry Sears on amazon, and
his own website)
3 increasing "good fats" in the diet.

You will have to do some studying to get up to speed. Most physicians
are not. I suggest: 
Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your
Brain's Silent Killers by David Perlmutter and Kristin Loberg (Sep 17,

We can defeat gravity.  The problem is the paperwork involved.

On 12/30/2013 12:07:05 PM, Gary Hilt (
> i need you folks wisdom again. Wife has MS but
> she's been bloating in abdomen? E.R. ran ct scan blood etc found nothing. Her 
> mouth is always sore and she can barely eat. Any ideas?
> Thanks

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