
You don't want any foaming agent AT ALL. It's superfluous. Not needed. Not to mention the lick factor. Not a good idea. What you do want is a bottle called *Misti*. Google it. Essentially you fill it up halfways then use an attachable pump for a few seconds - and voila' - no chemicals - just plain compression to get that spray happening. I think they sell them by the 2. Check it out. Good luck with the kitties.


On 1/12/2014 11:33 AM, wrote:
CS>Using CS in a "foaming bottle"
"Gregerson" <>
1/10/2014 8:25 PM


Is anyone in the group able to advise on what we could add to colloidal
silver that would make it foam when using a foaming pump bottle?   This is
for use in a feline shelter.  Whatever agent we add needs to be safe for
broken skin.

And, it would help if it's something that is readily available.

Thanks in advance for anything you can share with me.