There is also a spray bottle called Oil-O-Pump that you can get at almost
any kitchen supply store that has a cap that acts as an air pump to
pressurize the bottle. That's what I use for many things, even as a
nebulizer with CS.

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 10:52 PM, 2Words <> wrote:

>  Lin,
> You don't want any foaming agent AT ALL. It's superfluous. Not needed. Not
> to mention the lick factor. Not a good idea. What you do want is a bottle
> called *Misti*. Google it. Essentially you fill it up halfways then use an
> attachable pump for a few seconds - and voila' - no chemicals - just plain
> compression to get that spray happening. I think they sell them by the 2.
> Check it out. Good luck with the kitties.
> Joy
> On 1/12/2014 11:33 AM, wrote:
>   Subject:
> CS>Using CS in a "foaming bottle"
> From:
> "Gregerson" <> <>
> Date:
> 1/10/2014 8:25 PM
> To:
> <> <>
> Is anyone in the group able to advise on what we could add to colloidal
> silver that would make it foam when using a foaming pump bottle?   This is
> for use in a feline shelter.  Whatever agent we add needs to be safe for
> broken skin.
> And, it would help if it's something that is readily available.
> Thanks in advance for anything you can share with me.
> Lin