Thanks guys.  The fins are what is in the way and there are no screws that I 
can find so I wouldn't know where to start to disassemble it.
Perhaps one of those little vacuum attachments for cleaning one's keyboard.


 From: Joe Huard <>
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT - water distillers


On 2014-08-16 4:09 PM, sol wrote:
> PT Ferrance wrote:
>> For those of you who use water distillers, how do you clean the dust 
>> that seems to collect on the cooling tube?  The aperature is too 
>> narrow for my fingers and a rag.  A brush didn't seem to get the job 
>> done.
>> Thanks.
>> PT
> Vacuumed with a vac brush that has longer brush bristles than most. 
> But also once in a while took the top apart to get at the tube, and 
> baffles (is that what they are called?) and vacuumed it thoroughly.
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