As you all know, I've been making this stuff for a number of years now but 
discovered something 'out of the box' the other day.

On inspecting a stored batch I found it milky with extremely strong TE, and the 
storage vessel had a dark spot in the centre on the bottom.  Obviously much 
more particle content with the strong TE.
I decanted solution through a coffee filter {which I have never had the need to 
do before, and as it turns out didn't need to this time as nothing was left 
behind to my recollection} and wiped the bottom of vessel clean before 
returning solution to the same vessel from whence it came.  This batch had 
probably been in storage for a month.
I checked it the other day and that dark spot was back?
I repeated the aforesaid procedure, minus the filtering.
Checked again a couple of days later and that dark spot had returned yet again 
- What the...???
This most recent observation leads me to believe there are other dynamics and 
forces at work here of which I don't savvy.  Why, or how can that dark spot 
reappear after cleaning the storage vessel not once, but twice before, with 
days between each cleaning?
My conclusion:  There are dynamics and forces at work with the home produced 
product of which not enough information is available in the public domain, well 
to be perfectly frank, none I have found worth reading.  Plenty concerning the 
so called "Colloidal Silver" but nothing I have found relating the 
predominantly ionic silver solution as is made in the kitchen using LVDC?
Upon my most recent observation I am encouraged to ask...1. Why that dark spot 
appeared in the first place when it has never happened in all the years I have 
been making this stuff?  2. Why does it appear in the centre of my storage 
vessel and not be evenly distributed over the entire bottom of storage vessel 
if it's fallout or if gravity has taken over and pulled excess particles out of 
solution {why there should be excess particle content anyway escapes me}?  And 
most importantly or most intriguing, 3. Why does it keep reappearing while in 
All hypotheses and/or suggestions will be considered <g>.  I used to check the 
DW prior to production but haven't done that for some years now, it was always 
between 1 and 3 KCl uS.
It's so annoying when one can't find information related to the stuff we make 
<grrrrr>, all "Establishment" information revolves around that danged "CS" and 
its relatives.