You have nothing if not tenacity Neville!  Well done - I will be very 
interested to see the outcome...dee

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> On 5 Oct 2014, at 03:03, Neville <> wrote:
> Just a quick update on this.
> I decanted and cleaned that container out *again* several days ago before 
> returning the solution to the container.  Now here it is several days later 
> and that spot is reappearing - yet again!
> This is truly bizarre?
> BUT...!!  I think I have worked out what's going on.  Like an idiot I used 
> litmus paper to check Ph - but tested it in my storage vessel instead of 
> pouring a small amount into something else for testing.  I believe the paper 
> has released something into the solution.  If paper is held in the water for 
> just a couple of seconds a blueish mist emanates from the paper into the 
> water, this would obviously now be a contamination introduced into the water, 
> this also I believe is causing the milkiness as some form of compound has now 
> developed.
> I'm now in the process of doing some back yard bush experimenting to isolate 
> the problem.  Another update in a couple of weeks perhaps.
> Have to say, if I stand on tip toe and stretch my arm really hard I can just 
> manage to touch the bottom rung of that knowledge ladder <g>.
> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 11:08:08 +1030
> Subject: CS>Something interesting for the chemist or physicist?
>  milky with extremely strong TE, and the storage vessel had a dark spot in 
> the centre on the bottom.  
> I decanted solution through a coffee filter {which I have never had the need 
> to do before, and as it turns out didn't need to this time as nothing was 
> left behind to my recollection} and wiped the bottom of vessel clean before 
> returning solution to the same vessel from whence it came.  This batch had 
> probably been in storage for a month.
> I checked it the other day and that dark spot was back?
> I repeated the aforesaid procedure, minus the filtering.
> Checked again a couple of days later and that dark spot had returned yet 
> again - What the...???
> N.