> The design illustrated is for a standard 3 9volt battery setup! It
> is the same one a lot of us are using, except it uses ingots instead
> of wires. It is fine to use a quart mason jar it is not too much
> volume! I make mine like this all the time.

That is correct.

> If the electrodes don't come into contact with the water how would
> you make cs!!!!!!??????? Your reply to Tia is misleading and
> ridiculous. This will not produce silver crystals or flakes on the
> water surface.

I forget exactly what Fred's comments about "crystals" were, but any 
low voltage DC setup *will* definitely make silver "fluff" which is 
silver particles that lose their charge and adhere to the negative 
electrode. I just carefully remove the electrode assembly from the 
water and wipe/wash it off, stir the pot, and put'em back in. I do 
that every 10-20 minutes during the latter parts of the run.

If you leave it too long, you *will* actually get a little 
mirror-like deposit at the water line, but it comes right out with 
the electrodes during the occasional wiping off. I've never seen the 
need to "insulate" the electrodes at the waterline like Fred 

> How about it techies what do you say? Tia don't panic Fred has his
> info all wrong.

Not all wrong, but he's not got the same understanding of some
things as the rest of us, and also describes things in different
terms, I think. The key for us all to understand, including Fred, is
that it's pretty hard to make a CS that *won't* work, and that the
simplest setups have produced good results.

So if you make blanket statements of what's right or wrong you
always run the risk of stubbing your toe on results that others have
already documented. There is *NO* single right way to make CS, and
very few things that aren't appropriate to at least *some* setups
and sets of conditions. So watch what you assert.

Thank you Janine.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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