Increasing environmental pollution is the greatest challenge to our health.
Plastics are every where, our water filtration technology is too old to
deal with modern day toxins, then there's the air, and all the stuff that
is polluting our home environment. Seems that nothing, especially human
life, is sacred any more. I think a new health protocol is needed, one that
puts mind over matter.


On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 7:12 PM, Phil Morrison <>

> Ebola is a Main Stream Media disease.  It lasts a few weeks and is quickly
> forgotten.
> So, what's next?   How about prion diseases ... TSEs (transmissible
> spongiform encephalopathies), neuro-degenerative stuff like ALS,
> Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Chronic Wasting, CJD, and BES (mad cow).
> All it takes is a few molecules of Manganese, Barium, or Strontium
> (chemtrails), or radio-active nuclides from nuke pollution sites
> or Fukushima reacting with our Copper proteins, and we've got a disease
> waiting to happen.  The disease can be triggered by low frequency radio
> waves, sonic bursts, earthquakes, volcanoes, or even clapping your hands
> next to a TSE diseased cow.  The cow will immediately collapse on the
> floor.
> Dr. Day has some details on web site below: