For discussion-
His predictions are more often true, and certainly thought provoking.

“Progressivism is a mindset that favors the use of aggressive government force 
to solve social problems.” James Ostrowski

questions from reader....

by clif high, Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:43pm

What about EU fleets (air)? IM data shows that the global air fleets are hugely 
impacted by mid November. The LT data has us still working on problems with air 
travel (more than ebola) through 2018.

EU air fleets will encounter a [storm] of [conflicting regulations] that are 
described as producing [chaos] at airports. The [chaos] sub set has data 
details about [planes] being [impounded] by [local officialdom]. Part of the 
data sets show at least [3/three] instances in EU where [planes] are [left on 
runways with CORPSES] in them. In one instance, the [plane] is [broken into] by 
[unknown parties] in an [attempt (successful)] to [retreive something 
(unknown)] that is [very valuable]. That instance is described as [causing (the 
runway) ] to be [flamed].

Further data sets show that [ships] of all kinds will be [seized]. These 
[seizures] will include [military], and [cruise] ships as well as [cargo 
transport vessels]. Additional data points to [several (very large) cruise 
ships] being [detained (for over 2 months)] as the [passengers] are [disease 
checked]. This causes serious [health problems] for the whole port as [food 
supplies] become [strained] and [passengers riot] and [passengers (attempt)] to 
[jump ship]. There are some smaller sets (still growing) about [officialdom] in 
[southern Europe (italy?)] who will [order shootings] at [swimming passengers].

The data sets also show that a large cruise ship will be [docking] in a 
[southern USA port] where the [passengers] will be informed that they have been 
[exposed (positive tests on worker?)] and will have to be [quarantined in 
place]. This ends up being a horror as the [incarceration] has [food 
poisoning], and [rampaging dysentary], and [flu] and other [health issues] and 
[no doctors] willing to [risk] going there. Further, a number of [deaths] on 
the ship are put down to [ebola] rightly or wrongly, and a [panic] ensues (in 
early days) that leads to [fights] and [battles] with [shore side police 

Other data sets go to the idea of a [shit embargo] wherein [ports (air and 
ships)] will [refuse] to have [potentially contaminated waste] off-loaded in 
their facilities. As may be expected, not a good policy.

USA military bases globally will be [panic stricken] as their [funding] and 
[supplies] are [cut off] due to [chaos] in [pentagon/WA DC] as [gov't 
employees] are [curtailed] or [quarantined]. Further, many of the European 
bases will be [embargoed] by their local 'host' countries due to [ebola 
victims] being [resident] at facilities on base. This further aggravates a bad 
situation over early 2015.

Expect the [churches] to be [impacted] by the end of October. [Revenues] fall 
with [nearly zero attendance]. Also [colleges] and [universities] will begin to 
[experience] the [ebola Rush] by mid November as [ebola] goes to [college].

Sports [games] at all levels [collapse] in [attendance] by [mid November] and 
then the [impact] flows into [television], both from [revenues lost] to 
[fleeing employees].

More later. Check this space for further forecasts daily.