Very hard to read material. His current predictions could very well come to 

“Progressivism is a mindset that favors the use of aggressive government force 
to solve social problems.” James Ostrowski


On Oct 16, 2014, at 7:29 PM, Ron <> wrote:

Now that's fear mongering.
Here is Wikipedia on clif
I remember Clif's "predictions" from a few years ago. You could never quite tie 
them to anything specific in the now. You had to wait to look back at a hundred 
different events and say well this happened and could fit this and that could 
fit that. 
I read his associate George Ure's unremarkable news letter back then for 
several months too.

> On 10/16/2014 2:43 PM, TJ Garland wrote:
> For discussion-
> His predictions are more often true, and certainly thought provoking.
> “Progressivism is a mindset that favors the use of aggressive government 
> force to solve social problems.” James Ostrowski
> questions from reader....
> by clif high, Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:43pm
> What about EU fleets (air)? IM data shows that the global air fleets are 
> hugely impacted by mid November. The LT data has us still working on problems 
> with air travel (more than ebola) through 2018.
> EU air fleets will encounter a [storm] of [conflicting regulations] that are 
> described as producing [chaos] at airports. The [chaos] sub set has data 
> details about [planes] being [impounded] by [local officialdom]. Part of the 
> data sets show at least [3/three] instances in EU where [planes] are [left on 
> runways with CORPSES] in them. In one instance, the [plane] is [broken into] 
> by [unknown parties] in an [attempt (successful)] to [retreive something 
> (unknown)] that is [very valuable]. That instance is described as [causing 
> (the runway) ] to be [flamed].
> Further data sets show that [ships] of all kinds will be [seized]. These 
> [seizures] will include [military], and [cruise] ships as well as [cargo 
> transport vessels]. Additional data points to [several (very large) cruise 
> ships] being [detained (for over 2 months)] as the [passengers] are [disease 
> checked]. This causes serious [health problems] for the whole port as [food 
> supplies] become [strained] and [passengers riot] and [passengers (attempt)] 
> to [jump ship]. There are some smaller sets (still growing) about 
> [officialdom] in [southern Europe (italy?)] who will [order shootings] at 
> [swimming passengers].
> The data sets also show that a large cruise ship will be [docking] in a 
> [southern USA port] where the [passengers] will be informed that they have 
> been [exposed (positive tests on worker?)] and will have to be [quarantined 
> in place]. This ends up being a horror as the [incarceration] has [food 
> poisoning], and [rampaging dysentary], and [flu] and other [health issues] 
> and [no doctors] willing to [risk] going there. Further, a number of [deaths] 
> on the ship are put down to [ebola] rightly or wrongly, and a [panic] ensues 
> (in early days) that leads to [fights] and [battles] with [shore side police 
> cordon].
> Other data sets go to the idea of a [shit embargo] wherein [ports (air and 
> ships)] will [refuse] to have [potentially contaminated waste] off-loaded in 
> their facilities. As may be expected, not a good policy.
> USA military bases globally will be [panic stricken] as their [funding] and 
> [supplies] are [cut off] due to [chaos] in [pentagon/WA DC] as [gov't 
> employees] are [curtailed] or [quarantined]. Further, many of the European 
> bases will be [embargoed] by their local 'host' countries due to [ebola 
> victims] being [resident] at facilities on base. This further aggravates a 
> bad situation over early 2015.
> Expect the [churches] to be [impacted] by the end of October. [Revenues] fall 
> with [nearly zero attendance]. Also [colleges] and [universities] will begin 
> to [experience] the [ebola Rush] by mid November as [ebola] goes to [college].
> Sports [games] at all levels [collapse] in [attendance] by [mid November] and 
> then the [impact] flows into [television], both from [revenues lost] to 
> [fleeing employees].
> More later. Check this space for further forecasts daily.

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