A friend's son is autistic. He became autistic shortly after being vaccinated. 
There are far too many cases of this and the medical system refuses to admit 
it. There are lots of vids on the net from parents who say this including Jenny 
McCarty. The first couple to actually win a settlement on this topic was a 
couple who both happened to be physicians in the US. Now the drug companies 
have gotten a blanket exclusion from being chased in court over this and 
instead it is laid at the foot of taxpayers.

As far as history, it is written by the victors and no one can truly say if the 
Spanish flu was actually a flu or whatever, but to say that vacciation is safe 
because you made it through  is a bit weak.

BTW I am like you in that I have alternatives and feel no need to vaccinate 
against anything.
On 2014-10-15, at 23:19 PM, Steve G wrote:

My mother and my brother both got polio in the 1950's.  My brother died from it 
at ten years of age.  The rest of us (8 kids) were vaccinated as soon as the 
vaccines were available.  None of us suffered anything unusual as a result and 
all of us kids are still alive and mostly vigorously healthy.  So, we didn't 
suffer from the vaccines.

My only concern with vaccines is that they are made properly with no mercury.  

Because my household has CS available as well as MMS, I don't see any need for 
any of us to be vaccinated for anything.   Should Ebola raise its ugly head in 
my neck of the woods, we'll be pretty aggressive with the use of the 
alternative approaches we already know to be effective.  I'm hoping that they 
will be just as effective with Ebola as they are for other illnesses.

I think that 'Dr.' McBean's view of the 1918 epidemic is inaccurate and not 
supported by a scientific viewpoint.t


From: Phil Morrison <philmorrison...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 6:10 PM
Subject: CS>Spanish Flu - Epidemic of 1918

WWI soldiers were given multiple vaccine shots causing "Conglomerate Disease"
.... which means having lots of different diseases at the same time.

Some victims manifested typhoid-like symptoms, others diphtheria-like symptoms, 
shell shock covered postvaccinal encephalitis, and paralysis was actually 

There was 7x more disease in vaccinated soldiers than in unvaccinated civilians.

Germs, bacteria, viruses, or bacilli are the RESULT of disease, not the cause
of the disease.

People cannot contaminate their bodies with vaccines without causing disease.   
