I have never heard of anyone having an extremely bad reaction to MMS. 

Your body gets sick for a variety of reasons or as Nelson Bradley suggests, for 
5 reasons; toxins, diet, psychological, pathogen, electrical disruption, 
skeletal issues. In order to straighten the body out, often "stuff" has to be 
offloaded. The process of offloading it may be unpleasant, but to blame it on 
something or someone is to be a fool. 

Often MMS will cause a very brief case of diarrhea (as in my case about 5 
minutes) which is simply the body's way of offloading the trash you consumed 
yourself. Happened to me and felt very right and afterwards was a great relief.

Whether you off load the 'stuff' through something like Pancha Karma (Ayurveda) 
or the various herbal mixtures, or MMS or whatever, the idea is that you do 
have to get rid of stuff occasionally. If you have cancer, it took quite awhile 
to get to the point where the cancer showed up, so to dump it quickly may not 
be comfortable.

Now having said that some PPL see the MMS protocols and think "hmmmm if a 
little is good then a lot is better" (typically male) so they consume way too 
much with predictable results.

I doubt that MMS has risks, when used sensibly, because after it kills 
pathogens it changes into a weak salt and then exits the body.


On 2014-11-01, at 02:36 AM, Dee wrote:

I think that this probably my thinking Victor because although he has obviously 
done a lot of good using MMS, in some people the results could be bad, so as 
you say, I think personally that the risk outweighs the benefits for me.  I did 
know of someone who, a few years ago, insulted me roundly when I voiced a word 
of caution about MMS, who later almost apologised to me, because he had an 
extremely bad reaction to it...dee

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On 1 Nov 2014, at 04:47, Victor Cozzetto <victor.cozze...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I just noticed that none of my posts about MMS are in the archive; which 
> would explain why nobody was responding to me. (Not sure what the issue is 
> Mike, but luckily I still have all the emails in my outbox).
> I am not a chemist, but here is my opinion that I have shared with others in 
> the past:
> I am sure that MMS works for many people, and I do not doubt that it could 
> potentially cure almost anything. However, I cannot recommend it or use it 
> with what I currently know. Of course I am still ignorant, but here are some 
> of the reasons why I would not use it:
> 1. MMS can be dangerous. It can do direct damage to the body, interact with 
> other chemicals, drugs, etc. It is too unpredictable, and thus the risk is 
> simply too high for me.
> 2. To my knowledge, MMS cannot do anything that colloidal silver (CS) cannot 
> do, but CS has zero risk, is cheaper, predictable, and is guaranteed to be 
> effective. (of course levels of effectiveness vary, depending on the ailment)
> 3. MMS can also be compared to ozonated water (because it uses oxidizing 
> effects), but again, the ozonated water has zero risk, is cheaper, more 
> predictable, and is guaranteed to be effective.
> 4. MMS has the same limitations that both CS and ozonated water have - in 
> that they cannot directly target lymph, nervous systems, etc. However, CS and 
> ozonated water contribute directly to strengthening the immune system, and 
> thus have a direct impact on all health. MMS can potentially achieve this 
> too, but that is not certain, since it can act as a toxin, and thus have the 
> opposite effect.
> 5. I might sound too harsh, but I would compare MMS more to chemo. It isn't 
> of course, but it is a chemical that can have a toxic effect on the body. It 
> can have a very rapid impact, but I am not sure how good that is, since it is 
> purely a 'killing' action, and does not enhance the body's ability to repair. 
> Both CS and Ozone provide direct 'killing' and greatly enhance the body's 
> ability to defend and repair.
> 6. I would be afraid to use MMS with other treatments, since is it s chemical 
> that I am not familiar enough with. Thus, I cannot add it to the things I am 
> doing. CS and Ozonated water work great with a variety of other treatments 
> and protocols.
> 7. Perhaps the greatest single problem - MMS is often cited as causing gut 
> problems for people, and that is not good, since the gut is the heart of our 
> immune system. By contrast, CS has no negative impact on the gut, and is used 
> to treat various gut ailments. (CS is absorbed very rapidly in the gut, and 
> normal consumption of kefir, yogurt, fermented foods, etc. ensure that CS has 
> no negative impact on gut flora).
> Again, I wouldn't doubt that MMS can save lives in places where no other 
> options are available, but putting that energy into getting CS (or other 
> treatments) is a much better long-term solution IMHO.
> Victor